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Everything posted by finniespin

  1. Hey, Thanks for the tutorial/info. I'll try it out. Just one question. I do not have this folder. Do I need to make this? Thanks, Finniespin
  2. finniespin

    Signature check timed out....

    Do you guys get the kick whilst connecting to the lobby or whilst in the loading screen?
  3. finniespin

    Can't update BattlEye client..

    You need remove the launch options in ARMA 2:OA >right click >properties >Set launch options > remove everything in there. Try to google the error message. It takes only 2 seconds.
  4. finniespin

    Signature check timed out....

    This is happening to me in an official server. I can play 30-60 mins when I get in, and then I get kicked. Have to join around 10-20 times. To get back in again... I get stuck at loading, and my friends can see that I got kicked for signature time out. I've reinstalled everything, port forwarded and placed myself in direct access to the internet w/o NAT (meaning I use my WAN ip instead of my LAN ip)
  5. finniespin

    pon4uk US 2043

    Which server did the hacker do his evil plotting: US 2043 Timezone region: 13-8-2012, dd-mm-yyyy 23:00 - 23:50 GMT +2 Admin of the server: Hesleskaug Story: I was flying my helicopter (not in footage) we got shot and the engine died, ONLY the engine. Dropped down. Friend who I dropped off. Was killed right after. Went back to elektrozavodsk where the incident happend. Went back to the crash site. (First footage) shot one guy once in the head and once in the body. Might miss the shots. But he should've been bleeding. Later found a flying helicopter, whilst there we 2 crashed down. Helicopter got shot down near the place where there was a crashed helicopter. Ran back to the crash site again, I believe I saw 2 guys one in a ghille suit and one is regular body armor and a black cap. * (possibly "to fat for dayz" is the second hacker, not enough proof) * Later on, keep going back to elektrozavodsk. Saw a truck passing by. A guy with a military skin and an AS50 was in the truck. (Don't know if the truck naturally spawns) I taunted him with "still getting banned". He stepped out and killed me. Went back to elektrozavodsk... Again, and he was now in a pick-up truck. Why it isn't any of the other players... Siberia and komstar kept dieing. "NxiF", "al" and "Roman" disconnected, whilst the tragic moment was still in movement. I might miss some details, I will edit if necessary. Notes: My teammates whom died in this tragic moment. Me: "Finniespin", Inject "Matthew", Yahtzee "Brain" and Neltharion as himself. Possible hackers steam account: http://steamcommunit...61197986855326/ Screenshots from my Steam. Under the details "Hacker pon4uk US 2043" http://steamcommunit...ilter=app_33930 Youtube video: <currently being processed> Attachment > Google Search record: It seems he is registered on a cheating site. http://www.google.nl...iw=1280&bih=899 Screenshots of proof by Inject: http://steamcommunit...ilter=app_33930 * Inject later died, he said "pon4uk" was off, but "to fat for dayz" was on the server.
  6. finniespin

    pon4uk US 2043

    Is the server admin capable of global banning him?
  7. finniespin

    pon4uk US 2043
