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About gair22

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Just an FYI, I didn't see anyone post this and searched for it as well. Just throwing it out there, sorry if it is a dupe. Also, do not 'reinstall' your game. Just use these simple steps and it will save you hours of downloading, and it does the exact same thing. 1. Start Steam in Administrator Mode 2. Right click on your ARMA 2 and click Properties 3. Click the Local Files tab 4. Click 'Verify Integrity of Game Cache' 5. Repeat step 4 for "ARMA2: Operation Arrowhead" 6. Run both games once with Steam still being ran in administrator mode. 7. Update your DayZ if need be, and play!
  2. gair22

    I just want help

    If you bought it off Steam, you need to run Steam in administrator mode and run the games once if you get a bad cd-key FYI.
  3. gair22

    getting killed on login...

    Are you guys logging out in a 'prone' position? I only ever have that happen when I logout prone.
  4. gair22

    US 303 - Question

    That is fairly concerning, since right before the hive went down I killed some guy who spawned infront of me with that gun. I just started playing this game like a week ago. How are people supposed to know whats hacked and what isn't? And why don't the DayZ devs run a simple script to wipe the database of illegal items? All it does is clog it up. It would be win/win for everyone. FYI the guy's name was Dr. Zeux .. it was a AS50 .. but I'm not sure about the TWS? Is there some difference? (btw zeux if you were legit, sorry bro you spawned right on me... scared the hell out of me lol) Edit: Hive went down and it looks like everything reverted back to what I originally had now that I can log back in. Assuming Zeux isn't dead either.
  5. gair22

    Looking for a buddy or group

    I'm down to hookup with a crew or some peeps whenever. Unicron on steam.
  6. gair22

    Humanity skins are useless

    If the database identifies people by id / cd-key, then the easiest solution is simply to replicate their humanity to the fresh spawn. That would probably upset people who want a fresh start, or get bugged humanity (which shouldn't really be considered, since they should be fixing a bug like that anyway).
  7. I just updated to today from yesterday (had no problems). I kept getting kicked for #98. - Steam shows the up to date version being 95883, however; DayZ Commander says the correct updated version is 95913? - After noticing that (didn't update Arma2 from DayZ Commander), I decided to integrity check my Arma2oa in Steam and it reports file validation failure and redownloads them. - I also integrity checked Arma2 (non oa) and it integrity failed as well. Just a heads up on the Dayz update. I manually updated my version as well. I did not use the six updater nor anything else. I actually waited to apply the patch today, because most servers weren't up to date yesterday. - After updating and integrity checking through steam (also reinstalled battle-eye). Dayz Commander still says that ARMA2 is out of date. - Now that 'steam' shows a good version, my cd-key now says it is Bad... sigh - Restarted Steam in administrator mode, which fixed the bad cd-key and ran ARMA2OA again to fix the bad cd-key bug. ... appeared to have fixed the #98 errors so far. I do not really find this to be a solution though. The reason being is because I was playing for like 2 hours today without getting booted, then all of a sudden the #98 kicked me off. I relogged, played for an hour... booted same reason. I tried to login again and it instantly booted me. Anyhow, it works pretty good so far, but I haven't been playing an hour+ to really tell. Hope it helps anyone else. Edit: Btw still running 95883,, 30 mins later or something still not kicked. The server has matching versions as me fyi. It also had matching versions when it was kicking me. Still too early to tell though, because I was good for a few hours earlier today before the #98. Update: Just got kicked again for #98. Still no luck.