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Posts posted by unknownnovice

  1. Character Name:Garen

    Real Name:Garen

    How Long Have You Played Dayz:1.5 months

    What Can YOU Offer The Clan:cooperation, tactic, risk, sacrifice, time

    Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members:Everyone dies. Just a matter of when and where

    Time Zone:PST


    Additional Comment: I like to play competitively when I am near a kill. Time inbetween kills is about playing and having fun in this game.

  2. Looking for a group of 4-6 like minded people who want to log on and just murder the crap out of everything in sight.

    Tired of playing the lone bandit.

    I like to mess around in the game a lot, but I love to get very serious in fire fights. I do not enjoy dieing, but the threat of it does give me one hell of an adrenaline rush.

    I would also like to point out that I am very patient. A characteristic that has kept me alive in many situations where I would have ended up dead. My head is into tactic and strategy.

    Contact me if you need any position in the group. I can do assault, medic, spotter, sniper. I do not care.

    There is no way to assure my playstyle to meet any standards someone might have in order to allow me to join in to a serious group. I would need to play in game with you for my abilities to be properly analysed. For now I hope you can just trust me when I tell you that I do not suck. I have spent too mush time playing to be bad.

    If other lone bandits are interested, I will happily try to form a serious brand group. (US and Canada only and you must be at least 18)

    I dont know if this will reach the right readers. I am actually skeptical there even are groups like the one I am asking for.

    Message me over this forum to get in contact with me. I check it regularly.

    Help me Dayz Bandit forums, you're my only hope.

    (+ points for those who get the reference in the last line)

  3. I've been playing non stop for over a month. When I say non stop, I really mean that I have played 10 hours or more, every day, for the past 4 weeks. I'm at the point where my friends, who introduced me to this game, don't want to play because they're bored. When im not playing, I have looked up and researched about the game to reduce any ignorance. Bottom line is that I can not get enough of this game.

    1. I have "a lot" of patience (I love to sneak around)

    2. I do not get frantic in the middle of a fight and try to keep constant and significat feedback to my group (a characteristic I hope any prospective groups share with me)

    3. I am not a sniper, although I do (currently) have a sniper rifle. I love the excitement of being in the middle of the fray. I would describe myself as an assault/assualt-medic. Both are perfectly fine with me. If a spotter is needed, I can happily fulfill the roll as well. I am very flexible.

    4. When the time comes that I die, because it is going to happen a lot, I honestly love to start off fresh and feel free to run around without the worry of losing rare gear. Unless I have to run to the NW or NE airfield 4 times in a row. If you are wondering, I have run to the NW airfield on my own 4 times in a row. Even with my dedication to this game, I was not enjoying it.

    5. I have teamspeak, vent, skype, and mumble.

    6. My time zone is PST.

    7. If there is a particulat server your group is dedicated to, I am happy to join with you. However, I would like to be tied to a high populated server. I do not like to take my binoculars out and not see a single zombie in Cherno/Electro.

    8. I prefer a group that is 20+ in age.

    9. I am not much of a roleplayer. I am not going to be calling anyone "sir" or any other militaric titles. This does not mean that I am a rogue group member with an obsession with not following orders. I just think it's absolutely rediculous to be that into a game. Also, being in an efficient, well organized, and fun group is enough to deter any ego trips about not being in charge.

    10. Besides all this serious talk. I do like to mess around and have fun every day too. I have been known to give taxi services to fresh spawns if I have a spare car that I do not care about. If we are flying in a heli, I will probably start playing Creedance Clearwater's Fortunate Son over vehicle chat (it's just too damn tempting and I can not resist). If I am going to spend hours on end with people, I would like for them to be able to take a joke and just break loose from the intensity of the game, obviously when permisable and not in the middle of a high risk situation.

    11. I'm friendly as a person, but a murdering bandit in game.

    I apologize for all of the text. I hope that I get some replies soon. To contact me through skype, my name is gren1234.

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