An idea on starting Dayz with a group and maybe a reason as to why a survivor would find themselves on a beach after a society ending disaster. Picture a flotilla of military air craft carriers etc, and maybe civilian curses ship etc floating out in the ocean. This is the aftermath of the mass evacuation of those not infected and what is left of the government or governments. Space is at a premium and food and supplies are short. Live is hard and getting worse. It is rumored that the virus is no longer rampantly infectious and radio broadcasts from land prove that some still survive. It is not known or it is kept secret that the infected still roam. Those in charge are asking for volunteers to venture back onto land thus relieving the pressure of day to day needs on the flotilla. To volunteer is a one way trip. Those that step forward gather in demarcation rooms were they can choose to group up and be set ashore at the same random location or they can choose to be dropped off alone. The groups can gather in rooms, make plans and wait for all to arrive. When ready they can then ask to be set ashore. Maybe larger groups will have options as to what they can take with them. X amount of backpacks, crude weapons, bandages other very limitied supplies. Everyone will not have one of everything and maybe only one would have a weapon. Another aspect of having a military presence out in the ocean. If aircraft or boats from the land mass venture to far out they will be destroyed by war ships or aircraft. This could also be implemented in the no-man’s-land area. A very good reason to not hide camps out of the boundaries of the map. Military patrols or drones will destroy anything in the no-man’s-land areas. If a survivor ventures X KM outside of the boundary and a patrol spots them they may get a warning shot. Another thought. A large group of well armed survivors could ambush a patrolling military vehicle or aircraft. To do so would result in high casualties to the group but would offer great reward. The group would have to retreat back into the quarantined area or face certain death when reinforcement arrive. Just some thoughts.