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Everything posted by gfresco

  1. gfresco

    No sever list and waiting for host

    I am experiencing the exact same problem. No clue how to fix this.
  2. I'm new. My goal for DayZ though is to try and be as social as possible. Shooting doesn't count as social. I'll probably end up dying to traitiors and bandits more-so then lone-wolfs but I'm hoping to meet people in-game and start little impromptu surivalist groups.
  3. I lurk in the woods scavanging farmhouses avoiding big cities because I'm new and afraid of bandito's.
  4. gfresco

    First Player Kill

    You did the right thing, but be a boss and continue to have morals. Don't just turn into a bandit shit show cus you can.
  5. I've just been playing for one day, got the raw basics but am no veteran. I'd be happy to group up with you if you'd like. My steam is Gfresco
  6. Heya. I recently started playing DayZ and am still getting my bearings. I'd like other people to group with so I can play more socially. I'm not much of a bandit player, I prefer being sociable, helping and surviving. I wouldn't mind a vet player or two showing me the ropes. My steam name is Gfresco
  7. Met 2 cool people but am always looking for more. Add me on skype or steam if you're interested in grouping anytime.
  8. I've added you on steam. Would be glad to group up.
  9. I too am always looking for people to group with on Day-Z. My skype is Gfreso416 if you're still looking for people to clique up with.
  10. I am online now. I downloaded skype but won't have a mic for the next few days. My skype is Gfresco416
  11. Hey buddy. I'm looking for people to group with as I just got Day-Z. I'm EST (GMT -5) but I'm on during the days & late nights. I like to play friendly and be social/helpful rather then be a bandit. My steam is Gfresco if you wanna hit me up there & I'm setting skype up (Though I dont have a mic yet) so I can use that as well.
  12. Hey buddy. I'm pretty new to Day-Z myself. Just getting my bearings In-Game. I'm looking for some decent people to group up with myself as playing solo is only so much fun. My timezone is EST (GMT -5). Hit me up on steam if you want (Mine is gfresco). I don't have voice chat right now as I need to buy a mic this week.
  13. Appreciated it. Will do. I'm getting a secondary computer this week anyhow so I'll probable purchase a Mic and such for it. Until then I'm going to just be using steam and text-chat.
  14. I don't have Skype at the moment but I'll be downloading it soon since I've gone far to long without using Skype. I don't even have a mic/voice capabilities set up right now, yipes.
  15. gfresco

    Looking for players for a RPing group

    I'd love to join up with this type of group. I am 20 IRL and am familiar with RP across several games. My steam name is Gfresco if you want to contact me.
  16. Canada! Not the french part, so English is my language of choice.
  17. gfresco

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey everyone. I am new to both ARMA and DAYZ. However I'm eager to be a survivor and not an anti-social bandit. Anyone looking for a buddy who ain't the most experienced but is a decent sort should hit me up. I don't wanna be solo forever.