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Everything posted by insitv

  1. No, it's not server-wide. (As far as i know) The timer starts this way: The FIRST player who comes near the building after server (120m radius) will start the 10 minute timer. After that loot will spawn every 10 minutes. If the players leaves the area, the timer will stop too. It will go on after the next player enters the red area.
  2. insitv

    Loot questions

    They DO respawn but i haven't figured out yet when they respawn or which conditions have to be met. Follow the link in my signature to get a better understanding of loot mechanics.
  3. Yes, it's measuring the distance to the building itself. Yes again, the loot spawns are handled together, i.e. they spawn items at the same time. They don't have individual timers.
  4. Should have done that but i am pretty bad as a designer/graphic artist. If someone wants to make a better pic, feel free to contact me, will rep you in OP then :)
  5. New stuff only spawns in spots that are empty. Loot despawn IS IN THE GAME but i haven't figured out yet how much time it takes for loot to despawn. Will work on that and update the OP.
  6. insitv

    Fire methods/loot behaviour

    Regarding the item/zombie spawn: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/86751-demystification-of-the-dayz-loot-spawn-system-spoiler/ Regarding food: Just find a super market and stock up. There is tons of food there usually.
  7. green circle = yellow circle, sry screwed that up. fixed now :)
  8. insitv

    Loot questions

    I answered that in another post but can't find it, damn it. Well the loot system works as follows: There are a few rules i would like to explain first: - If you are less than 200 meters away from a building, zombies will spawn. - If you are less than 120 meters away from a building, LOOT WILL SPAWN. - If you are 30 meters or less away from a building, NO LOOT WILL SPAWN. If your distance to the building is between 31 and 120 meters, loot will spawn. So, when exaclty will it spawn? Every 10 minutes. If you clear a building completely (take ALL loot from it, even tin cans) you have to wait for 10 minutes and voila, there is fresh loot. The 10 minute timer starts when you get in range of the building. (When there is no player around before you, otherwise he will have started the timer). For maximum effect, look for a building without zombies (scout with binocs), get in and check loot. After that you take all the loot, run more than 30 meters away and wait for 10 minutes. DO NOT go more than 120 meters away tough. Go back and check loot. Repeat until you find the desired items. //Edit Forgot to say, we have tested this hundreds of time AND i checked the source code. Think i will make an own thread with pictures and a source code analysis to clear things up once and for all.
  9. insitv

    Can´t get into the DMR...

    At zoom level 1: Center: Zeroed at 125m Mil-dot -1: Zeroed at 400m Mil-dot -2: 650m -3: 800m -4: 975m -5: 1075m At zoom level 2: Center: 350m Mil-dot -1: 475m Mil-dot -2: 550m -3: 600m -4: 700m -5: 750m Source: http://dayzdb.com/database/dmr
  10. insitv

    Humanity.. How does it work?

    I can pretty much confirm this isn't the case. Was probably a (HIVE) lag like always when stuff like this happens.
  11. insitv

    Any tips for finding vehicles?

    Probably the admin and his friends took all the vehicles and hid them in the woods somewhere. You'll have to look at the northern/western borders of the map for vehicles.
  12. insitv

    Weapon / Vehicle Maintenance

    Rocket has this on his want-do-to list. We'll have to wait for stand alone DayZ.
  13. insitv

    Looking for a group!

    Where did i leave my magnifying glass ^_^
  14. Rocket already confirmed that the vehicle count will be raised significantly but it isn't priority #1. In exchange jerry cans and gas stations will be more limited. And yes, private servers with more vehicles have way more players in northern towns. One of the many pros of private servers.
  15. insitv

    Loot points

    The wooden toilets and the little dog houses next to the buildings contain loot. (For the buildings you can't enter but still show up on dayzdb.com).
  16. insitv

    Just looting two camps... nothing special...

    And after the next server restart all tents are back with their items. Stopped raiding camps until Tents are fixed.
  17. insitv

    Humanity.. How does it work?

    Helping your friends/team is humane so you get humanity. If you want to have -100k humanity just kill your friends.
  18. insitv

    Humanity.. How does it work?

    Helping other survivors adds to your humanity. Let's take a look at the source code: usecBandage = [_unit,player]; publicVariable "usecBandage"; if (_unit == player) then { //Self Healing _id = [player,player] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medBandaged.sqf"; dayz_sourceBleeding = objNull; } else { dayzHumanity = [player,20]; _id = dayzHumanity spawn player_humanityChange; }; It does mean that you get 20 humanity for bandaging another survivor but NOT yourself. if (_unit == player) then { //Self Healing _id = [player,player] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medMorphine.sqf"; } else { dayzHumanity = [player,50]; _id = dayzHumanity spawn player_humanityChange; }; You get 50 humanity for giving another survivor morphine. Again, you won't get any if you apply it to yourself. 20 humanity for painkillers. 250 humanity for a blood bag. So, helping other players out with medical equipment will add to your humanity. Killing other survivors on the other hand will dimish your humanity (-2000 humanity for a murder). Killing bandits is without (positive or negative) consequence at the moment.
  19. Rocket already confirmed that he's planning more animals, like wolf packs and wild bears. Should be enough to kill you when you wander the woods.
  20. insitv

    Are these your tents? Thanks for the loot

    Because tents respawn with all their items currently. You can't destroy them, taking items from them and saving them doesn't work too. Just search the forums and read dozens of threads about this.
  21. insitv

    Rarity of Alice Backpack?

    Make it rare when you fix the humanity/clothing bugs causing you to lose your backpack.
  22. insitv

    Are these your tents? Thanks for the loot

    Too bad the tents will respawn with all the items you destroyed after next server restart :(
  23. insitv

    Cars stillt not saving?

    I think cars/tents that were created BEFORE the patch could very well be working. I can't confirm because i don't have any cars that were repaired prior to patch The funny thing is, go to any private server, cars and tents work 100% of the time. What does that mean? It's not the game/tents/vehicles that are bugged, it's the HIVE!
  24. insitv

    Humanity resets?

    You get 150 humanity after every 10 minutes, or 15 humanity every minute.
  25. insitv

    Crossbow could be my favorite weapon

    Yes, Darryl ftw! Rocket confirmed that the stand-alone version will provide players with a quiver so you can carry more bolts. Weapon customization was confirmed too but of course nobody knows if the crossbow will be customizable.