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Everything posted by Gruntin

  1. Gruntin

    Google Chrome Theme

    Nice, was hoping someone would make one.
  2. Gruntin

    Need morphine in Pogorevka church.

    If you come to US 284, I can help you out.
  3. In reality, wouldn't gas be the rarer resource rather than actual vehicles? This has always bothered me. Maybe make it more "Mad Max-like"? I think it would add a whole new challenge to the game!
  4. Gruntin

    Downloading this right now!

    US 284 always needs players.
  5. Hey guys! Currently, I play on US 284. For a while though, there's been less than 8 players on a day. Me and the server host are trying to change that. So, if anyone's looking for a home server, please check us out! BTW, the server is hosted from NY(Eastern Timezone).
  6. With all the threads related to trading, would it not be beneficial to seperate these posts into their own section? Sorry, if this falls under "DayZ Suggestions". Was unsure where to put this.
  7. Gruntin

    Forum Trading Section?

    The "team-up" section would also make a nice addition.
  8. Well, you could always try http://www.vilayer.com/cl/aff.php?aff=202 They even have dedicated servers. However, they're a bit pricey.
  9. Yeah, I've got NVGs. When can we trade?
  10. It could be stored on the tool-belt. What do ya think?
  11. Gruntin

    Bolt Cutters for chain link fences?

    Fair enough, so we let the toolbox cut fences?
  12. It makes little sense to start with a Coyote Patrol Pack(8 slots) and then be able to find a Czech vest pouch(6 slots). Then later, you find a Coyote Patrol Pack as a military spawn. What kind of logic is this?
  13. Gruntin

    [Trade] Looking for: Mk.48

    I have a spare if you want one for free?
  14. Gruntin


    That would be awsome! I assume it would use an optics (Binoculars, Rangefinder, NVG) slot?
  15. Alright, I have it today. Message me with your server.
  16. Press the delete key while your cursor is hovering over it. -Everyone who has a map can see it.
  17. Hmm, provided you can actually prone....they would not likely see you.
  18. Damm, the server restart ate the vehicles and tents. Next restart will be fine though. We can do this tomorrow unless I can get my friend(server host) to restart the server.
  19. Thats fine. I'll be on late tonight anyway. We can meet at Green Mountain, its closest to me.
  20. Nah, I'm pretty well off.
  21. I'm fine donating this stuff to you guys actually! But, bring a Coyote Bag so I can just give you mine(will be filled with building supplies).
  22. Thats funny, I'm the only person on my home server right now. I'm in-game currently running to where the tank trap & Sandbag surplus is. 4 kilometers out.
  23. Nice, I have a surplus of these after me & my friends did the same. I'll message you with my server soon.
  24. Gruntin

    Underground bases?

    Hmm, I don't know. I think the idea was more like a manhole or hatch door. Like this maybe.....?