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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Now that Dean is gone and we haven't seen a devblog for weeks, will we still be getting one from the other dev's or is it just 6 weeks of plain silence?
  2. Hey guys, Some friends of mine just got into a situation where it was raining and their heat started flashing. They are now shaking and coughing. I myself never witnessed this before since it was removed from the game. Is it back or something?
  3. Epic proportions. Well done Rocket. I hope that DayZ SA will see the light at some time soon. None of us can honestly wait.
  4. Thanks for talking to us Rocket, good to know you're coming back. Hope you had a great time, hoping to have the same from your standalone.
  5. My vacation is just about a half over. I was truely hoping to play this game by now. Truely a pity.
  6. Rocket, I hope you can relax for now. You deserve it.
  7. Any words yet? I can't see his tumblr.
  8. No it won't free, that'd be ridiculous. If this guy finishes the product, he deserves all the money!
  9. But i thought temperature was removed? It's not on the debug either
  10. Yeah, but is the temperature system back? Since it wasnt an infection from zombies.
  11. Dear Dayz Community, After some time, my server finally got approved, and after following all of the steps in the instructions e-mail, I'm running into some problems. First of all, when i editted the info in the .bat file, I first tried my External IP (which is registered to the hive), which gave me: can Not connect to port 2302 or something. Please note, i've used some checking software, ports 2302,2303, and 2305 are open for me. Then, I was reading on the forums, and found that I had to change to my internal IP. (192.168.XXX.XXX). Doing this changed it. Now it gets stuck on "Host identity created" however, and does not permit me to log-in to the server. It simply says: "Waiting for host." My server is on the status: "Currently not playing." Any ideas? .Bat file: Second note: I've only changed my server.cfg file's name, and that folder's name to cfgdayz. I didn't alter any other names. Any help would be appreciated! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Arma II version: 96493 Dayz:
  12. Just thought i'd kindly hop in and inform those with the same problem: DayZ contacted me and said my IP was whitelisted "by accident". After raging at it for hours, since it took me more hours to find a damn fix, I decided to f*** it. So yeah, if you're one of them who got whitelisted "by accident" as well, i'm sorry, no fix. Still unsatisfied with this though, it's complete bullsh** that "home internet places" can't run as a server. I run dedi's for BF3/MW2 without problems. Why would we need to be a company? Damn you people.
  13. Some people even get to hearing the sound before "setup complete", but still stays at "loading". Any help at all please? I've been doing the steps again and again..
  14. yeah unfortunately, I only use one Internal IP, i was pretty cautious when it came to that :)
  15. The Battleye errors are gone.. But still everyone is stuck on loading :/
  16. (continued) Server now said "game started", but still stuck on loading!
  17. The 'remove the IP-parameter' seemed to do the trick! But now i'm not getting the: "game started." message. We're both stuck on loading :)
  18. @DomiStyle: But as i said, putting the internal IP, does make my friend get able to connect, just get stuck at "loading"
  19. Yes, I can confirm it is whitelisted. Also, my friend now goes to "loading". Debug window stated: Now, i'm still at "Waiting for host"
  20. Just did that, thanks for that ;) Some new info: The server was accessable for a friend who tried it for me. He got to join, got the mission files etc, but then got a message saying something like: "This server is running an incorrect version of the server-side application." I'm not sure what the exact message was. But no, he didn't get to play Dayz. But for myself, it's still saying "waiting for host."
  21. Hi, so after doing so much extensive research on improving FPS, I have to say, i'm sad. After all this work, i can still ONLY reach 18 fps at it's best. Yes, I have a very recent laptop fit for gaming, so don't blame it on that, I have litterly tweaked all the settings possible, in-game, aswell as on the outside. Even used the ramdisk program to use up more vram as an HDD system. So yeah. After reading a bit I saw that FPS used to be great on this game, and a recent patch seems to have brought it down. When can we expect an FPS patch to fix it back again? Thanks for any useful info. :)