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About Patrikozo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Must be experienced, I dont mean like an mlg veteran, but just know your way around, so we can meet up properly, and not completely fail when fighting another squad... Like said in title must be 15 or more, we are currently bandits, since not shooting on sight, gets us in alot of problems... Doesnt mean we are just looking for people that play only breaking point... We also like to go on vanilla, origins and so on... We also have other games on steam, if you have some we can definatly play together, but the majority of what we play is DayZ, yes we are getting standalone! Must be mature, we love having a laugh, but please no 12 year old wannabe youtuber trolls... We have no problem against girl gamers, but i highly doubt we will find any here :P. In time we might become a clan, but we are currently just having fun in a small group. If you want to join us, just add me on skype: fusion_pro1, or Adam_Dhebe! We are from Europe, so if your from America or Austraila its goign to be hard to play, because of the time and ping differences!
  2. DAMN i lost the M4A1 yesterday, when some noob killed me.
  3. Patrikozo

    Random died but got all my stats

    Same thing happened to me i had m16 with grenade launcher too xD. Anyways i was like really pissed and everything than i just ran to where i was (FAR north) and found my body there, just picked it up, oh and how i got out of wilderness, connected to other server spawned at like elektro, went out and joined again and was in kamenka..
  4. umm i just died lost an uzi and remmington, need friends which can help me out give me like a makarov or atleast a hatchet, atleast let me tag along with you :P im 14 years old, Male from slovenia... Skype is needed! I would prefer people the same age, but if you are like 18 and dont care about my voice pitch or maturity go ahead and add me :) Peace out :D steam name: StruddleMcNoodle Skype name: fusion_pro1
  5. Patrikozo

    UK - Just looking for people.

    Great timing :D got skype? add me: fusion_pro1 btw i just added u on steam peace :D oh yeah a little about me, total noob, had an axe.. didnt know how to use it, figured out a second before i died... 14 years old, male, from slovenia gbt +1 timezone yah thats it. Edit- Other people go ahead and add me too :) ooh yeah, my steam name is: StruddleMcNoodle