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Everything posted by WilkyWilks

  1. WilkyWilks

    Hacker loot

    So, instead of finding it on a body, you solicited a hacker to provide you with hacked items.
  2. WilkyWilks

    Bandit Skins and Civi skin update.

    The proposed idea is a reward system for a specific behavior in this game defined through it's systems. That is not the intended direction this mod is taking.
  3. WilkyWilks

    solo bandit tactics

    Use a sniper rifle, don't be a shit shot, and be out of hearing distance so they can't easily ID where you're at. Be patient and wait for the perfect opportunity, even if that means letting some kills go. Distractions are key. Wait for a third party, then take one out when they're looting the others.
  4. WilkyWilks

    The Rules of Zombieland

    Tip 1, don't copy paste black text onto a forum with a black background.
  5. WilkyWilks

    Czech pouch has a use!

    It has a great purpose. If you're someone who won't be looting equipment during a raid, you are 1) less visible while prone and 2) not going to have as many of your supplies on you if you are ambushed, providing them with less benefits for a successful raid.
  6. I recommend trying this pre-apocalypse, as most individuals who survive for extended periods of time in dire circumstances aren't dumb. They're resourceful and generally intelligent. That's why they survive when others don't.
  7. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+install+day+z
  8. For those without an hour to watch it, just assume that people got confused and showed incompetence at some point, and a guy who joined onto the group early on decided to take advantage of that fact after something actually beneficial appeared, thus killing at least one of the others in the group before disappearing. Why do these types of videos continue to get longer and with less cuts... there's a reason the film industry finally moved away from 8 minute establishing shot after establishing shot of protagonists driving down main street. It didn't matter to the story.
  9. WilkyWilks

    We found you and......

    Well when you give no specific details at all, no one even knows if it's banter, let alone who it's targeted at. I've made more detailed lists about how to make a ham sandwich than this post.
  10. WilkyWilks

    0.28% Chance..

    How many people own ghillie suits, do you think? Realistically, less than that percentage I'd estimate.
  11. WilkyWilks

    I would like to play DayZ... and i dont know how

    If you don't want to have poor performance, you'll have to upgrade your equipment. If you're not willing/able to do that, you are shit out of luck. That's how things work. As for the stand-alone, no one knows a timeframe. It will be out when it's out. If you want to play Day Z now, pay up!
  12. The loot system is not relative. Each spawn location in a building has the same chance to drop an item, so there is no diminishing chance of the same weapon dropping or not spawning because another location has the same item.
  13. WilkyWilks

    OMG I actually found a friendly player

    And if you had played with him long enough, he'd shoot you "for no reason".
  14. Worthy of a new thread.
  15. Cool story bro. First time getting in a firefight?
  16. Here's a short guide on how to improve your credibility on the Day Z forums! Utilizing the versatility of punctuation such as periods, exclamations and interrogative phrases will help clarify what you intend to state or question, allowing readers more time to ponder your discourse than trying to decipher your intentions! Play the game for awhile! While it is fantastic that we have more and more members coming on board (pun intended), many of the experiences you've had so far are commonly occurring in Chernarus right now! Try using the search function to find people who have had similar experiences so you can converse together! Understanding basic game mechanics can benefit you in addressing the concerns of other players you are looking to aid. Knowing that many interactions occur through the inventory menu (G key by default) by right clicking on the item is a great place to start. Please, always continue to make sure you're using your correctly. There are plenty of people who don't mind theirs, and it really is unfortunate because they're only hurting themselves.
  17. On US 853 at 7:50pm PST I killed player "Luunna" who was in possession of the following: G36c-SD 4x G36 SD Mags 4x Stanag SD Mags Smoke Nade Water Bottle (Empty) Pasta Can 2 Bandages Coyote Patrol Pack I took a few hits from Luunna on the opposite side of the church, moved to cover and once bandaged, flanked their position and successfully dropped Luunna. Video shows kill confirm in bottom left along with body study for player name. Now, I understand that some players will procure these items off of the people who actually spawned the "out of Day Z weapons", but I'll be damned if I'm not going to document and submit a ticket anyway. Video link below.
  18. This will actually be rather short and sweet. Exhilaration The first few times you played, your heart went into your throat when you saw another player. The options of how that scenario was going to unfold your mind raced, sought all the outcomes that benefited you - or what you thought would benefit you. The zombies were the enemy, man was on the decline in world relevance. Surviving zombie attacks with bare means and some grit hardened you. Zombies slowly became less of a threat, and you could focus on how to interact with players more. They still seemed to always get the drop on you. You got frustrated, but you persevered and tried to interact with other players. Beans You were shot. Over and over. For "good" reasons. For "bad". You were shot, and it frustrated you. You finally had started making sense of this mad world, and someone continually throws you a wild card. You didn't know you could be shot from that angle, you had no idea players frequented that town, why the hell was there a guy in the random plot of woods you were travelling through. The more you try and make sense of it, the more frustrating it becomes. Man is incredibly unpredictable, but you can guarantee they'll do what they need to to survive... or for sport. The same reason many of you continue to play this game is the same reason you're unfortunately muddling down the only direct means to the developers you have. The suggestion forums are rarely searched before posting, the general discussion is covered in complaints of how to fix "the bandit problem." Every time a person submits a thread, you need to consider the impact of how long it might take for the developer team to read through just the FLAGGED posts that might have worthwhile feedback. This process is not easy in profitable companies that wisely keep their finger on the end user pulse, let alone on what currently is still a non-profit project. Do yourself and the Day Z community a solid, and stop ranting about problems, and start developing solutions. Sound solutions. Check to make sure someone else hasn't thought of it first. If every member of this forum were to double check before posting something, and used the search function, the forums would be manageable enough that we could start taking care of specifics to meet your needs in the game. However, consider why you felt the way you did when you first started playing. What made this game different than any other. Focus on that, and how to keep that feeling as long as possible, rather than importing ideas from other games you enjoyed. You have the opportunity to better something that you are passionate about, and are in the unique opportunity to potentially effect that thing - don't sully it with pre-conceived concepts that only benefit your ideals of the game. I wholeheartedly assume that this post will fade into obscurity, but reading through the forums every day shows so much passion with so little actual direction to appropriately focus it, and that saddens me enough to write this.
  19. WilkyWilks

    Logging in Losing Items

    Few factors, but it mostly sounds like you are playing on "unofficial" servers where they save character data locally rather than "official" servers that connect to the HIVE. So, server A, the one you spawn a character on, is locally saved. You play and play, then log out. You then log onto server B which is a HIVE connected server. You have now actually made a Day Z character that's recognized by the devs. Hence, all the gear disappearing.
  20. WilkyWilks

    Bandit System

    They should just simply take out the discrimination in the first place. The only people who complain about bandits are folks who perform terrible fieldcraft in the first place. You never see bandits complain about bandits.
  21. WilkyWilks

    Two kills, one bullet

    No. Bullets do not penetrate other players or zombies. You can see it in action here around the 4.05 mark:
  22. WilkyWilks

    Quiver, Repeating Crossbow, Poison, and more

    Currently, crossbow bolts often knock someone down anyway. The poison is relatively null at that point, except for bleedout which, hey happens when you are shot anyway. Bandaging while knocked out is hard. Repeating crossbow You are more likely to find military grade weapons than a repeating crossbow in general. These things are so uncommon due to, you guessed it, firearms being more relevant to a modern society. Foraging Could be worthwhile, but the factor of there not being food in every tree is immediately forcing players to go tree to tree to try and get items. Especially considering food is already not hard to get, I doubt people would prefer travelling to the obscure locations that have orchards simply to then have to use water to consume food, rather than going to a store or picking them off someone elses body. Infection Good times. How do you propose this feature functions? Is the blood cap lowered? Does the player bleed out? Do they sneeze and cough? What happens to their vision? Is their movement impaired in any way? What about their aim? Do they pass out randomly? Revive I definitely see people walk away from getting shot in the head regularly. In addition, if the timer takes that long, I could already be 3/4 of the way back to Stary Sobor if I spawned in the Cherno area, without putting the pressure on my team to deal with watching my body. This is a feature for games. Day Z is a simulator. Death is supposed to have repercussions to force a stronger risk versus reward system. If you can be revived, there is no risk. Bandages Military medical dressings are similar in size to a handgun mag. Hence their slotting. Painkillers They are low doseage. A whole box IS necessary.
  23. WilkyWilks

    civil discussion about PVP

    Approaching me is a hostile action. If you're unaware enough to not use voice to acknowledge a player from cover by already knowing their position, you're not competent enough to contribute anything to survival. What I find most remarkable is that players don't even think there's a possibility of them being flanked. I've been in situations where I've been seriously outgunned (granted, having a lee enfield is just a RoF issue, not a damage problem), and by simply saying "give me a moment" and moving around and flanking them has been enough to land the kills. Players will literally threaten you with violence, and not watch their backs. This is why any approach is hostile - you will get me killed if I play with you, even if you have worthwhile intentions. That and I don't care, and will shoot you anyway.
  24. WilkyWilks

    Breaking Point <.<

    If you saw a man you knew was looking to arm himself, and had the opportunity to take them out before they got theirs hands on some firepower, wouldn't you do the same? Seems like you're putting to much investment in humanity.
  25. WilkyWilks

    To many guns?

    When it comes down to it, guns are always slowly going to be prominent. If a person loots a weapon, that weapon will be in play. If someone kills that player, they will then have the weapon. In the mean time, that spawn will spawn another weapon for another player. Slowly, the market will fill up, unless a player kills a player with a weapon and simply hides the body. Now, a way to stop that would be to put a weapon cap on spawning guns, right? If X amount of weapons are in play, they will stop spawning. However, this would like to weapon hoarding if it seemed the spawn was going down, and ultimately players could control "weapon spawns" by artificially ensuring that these guns would never enter play. I'm talking small scale for simplicity, say as in this was on one server. In large scale. Either way, currently we're in alpha. This is not the time for tweaking and balancing, this is the time to make sure the system is operating correctly.