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About WilkyWilks

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  1. WilkyWilks

    Hacker loot

    So, instead of finding it on a body, you solicited a hacker to provide you with hacked items.
  2. WilkyWilks

    Bandit Skins and Civi skin update.

    The proposed idea is a reward system for a specific behavior in this game defined through it's systems. That is not the intended direction this mod is taking.
  3. WilkyWilks

    solo bandit tactics

    Use a sniper rifle, don't be a shit shot, and be out of hearing distance so they can't easily ID where you're at. Be patient and wait for the perfect opportunity, even if that means letting some kills go. Distractions are key. Wait for a third party, then take one out when they're looting the others.
  4. WilkyWilks

    The Rules of Zombieland

    Tip 1, don't copy paste black text onto a forum with a black background.
  5. WilkyWilks

    Czech pouch has a use!

    It has a great purpose. If you're someone who won't be looting equipment during a raid, you are 1) less visible while prone and 2) not going to have as many of your supplies on you if you are ambushed, providing them with less benefits for a successful raid.
  6. I recommend trying this pre-apocalypse, as most individuals who survive for extended periods of time in dire circumstances aren't dumb. They're resourceful and generally intelligent. That's why they survive when others don't.
  7. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+install+day+z
  8. For those without an hour to watch it, just assume that people got confused and showed incompetence at some point, and a guy who joined onto the group early on decided to take advantage of that fact after something actually beneficial appeared, thus killing at least one of the others in the group before disappearing. Why do these types of videos continue to get longer and with less cuts... there's a reason the film industry finally moved away from 8 minute establishing shot after establishing shot of protagonists driving down main street. It didn't matter to the story.
  9. WilkyWilks

    We found you and......

    Well when you give no specific details at all, no one even knows if it's banter, let alone who it's targeted at. I've made more detailed lists about how to make a ham sandwich than this post.
  10. WilkyWilks

    0.28% Chance..

    How many people own ghillie suits, do you think? Realistically, less than that percentage I'd estimate.
  11. WilkyWilks

    I would like to play DayZ... and i dont know how

    If you don't want to have poor performance, you'll have to upgrade your equipment. If you're not willing/able to do that, you are shit out of luck. That's how things work. As for the stand-alone, no one knows a timeframe. It will be out when it's out. If you want to play Day Z now, pay up!
  12. The loot system is not relative. Each spawn location in a building has the same chance to drop an item, so there is no diminishing chance of the same weapon dropping or not spawning because another location has the same item.
  13. WilkyWilks

    OMG I actually found a friendly player

    And if you had played with him long enough, he'd shoot you "for no reason".
  14. Worthy of a new thread.
  15. Cool story bro. First time getting in a firefight?