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About mattebubben

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mattebubben

    Which map is better??

    id say neither of those try Taviana.
  2. mattebubben

    Sorry Mr Hacker!

    good storie. The same thing kinda happend to me =P. Got Dropped into the sea swam in and managed to survive through stakes and a small pond. But 5 min after i was all good again (was coughing but i had a pack of Antibiotics) the hacker probably noticed my surival and started up round 2... Spawned the server above the sea and this time i simply died on impact... This is a great mod and i cant wait for standalone but the hackers have simply ruined it. Pretty much every god damn time i die its from a hacker!!!. Either its global kill or they drop me into the sea or its some invisible sniper with as50 (i know they are invisible due to the weapon not making any sound at all) Hurrah for you and good luck on your survival =). I wish u good luck in the fight against the hackers god knows i havent had any.
  3. mattebubben

    Rarest weapon you've found?

    Found a Makarov Sd at a heli crash once =P.
  4. mattebubben

    Are the number of hackers increasing?

    70% of all times i die its from hackers... Either a hacker just kills every1 on the server or somone teleports in and kills me or just somone using godmode and cant be killed killing me with a crowbar while laughing over Direct Chat. Every time i manage to build up a camp its destroyed by hackers that simply destroy the tents and cars with scripts. I hardly play DayZ anymore since its just mostly an annoying experience. Between Hackers and glitches and ppl aborting on sight for fear of death the game is not just that fun to play at the moment. I love DayZ and im waiting for Updates / the Standalone but atm its more or less unplayable. And pretty much all of my hacker encounters are from different servers. Since when i die from hackers / camps gets destroyd more then once i will change server. But i never get lucky enough to find myself rid for hackers for any long amount of time.
  5. Had it happen to me aswell =( exactly like with Phantasm (except no ghillie) i relogged due to graphical glitches and came back in on debug plains with no gear at all not even the flashlight / painkillers =<. Relogged again and spawned in on the beach. I love dayz but between the hackers graphical glitches and game breaking bugs its getting hard to have a fun time playing for any longer amount of time without being interrupted by unkillable hackers and and wide variety of bugs and glitches. I really hope i wont have to wait for the standalone to be safe from things like these.
  6. mattebubben

    What's your humanity?

    i had just recived the hero skill and had + 6200 (counting the 5000 for hero) Then i killed a guy in self defense that had just killed 1 of my group mates. and bam -12k... so now i got the bandit skin and working my way up from -12k... would be nice if they made the system work better =P