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iccy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by iccy (DayZ)

  1. Hello, Does anyone have any tips for us on how to get people to play on our Servers? This is our Servers: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/194442-got-issues-epoch-servers-chernarusnapf/
  2. IP'sChernarus Server: Taviana Server: IP: Port:64748 About Admins:We in the admin team work very hard on the server, so people will enjoy it. We also work hard on adding content, scripts and other stuff that will improve the server. We play the game like everyone else does regardless of our powers, We are active targets you can hunt us down and kill. Any of our bases you find you have every right to raid it and keep for yourself, we won't spawn in what we lost nor will we track you and reclaim our stuff. We want our players to know that we want the same game play as everyone else does. Server RULES: No Combat LoggingNo Camping TradersNo Stealing From Trader ZonesNo Voice over SideChatEnglish only in SideChatNo Base in high value loot spawnsNo Hacking/Duping/GlitchingNo Verbal attacks Over Global ChatCustom LoadoutJust Search For Got Issues On DayzCommander and You Will Find Our Servers Overpoch Taviana IP:[NO]Got Issues Overpoch Taviana [singleCurrency]3rd Person: ON || CH: OffPvP Server!Restart Every 3HoursServer Location: FranceServer Language: English/Norwegian Features: Extra VehiclesAutorefuel and RepairInfistar AntiHackSnapping ProPlotpole ManagementNo PlotpoleNo DecayDeploy BikeSelf Bloodbag Ai Missions & Supply DropsHeli LiftingGodmode @ TradersSingle Currency Epoch Chernarus IP: Norway Got Issues Epoch Chernarus3rd Person: ON || CH: OffPvP Server!Restart Every 3HoursServer Location: FranceServer Language: English/Norwegian Features: Extra VehiclesAutorefuel and RepairInfistar AntiHackSnapping ProNo PlotpoleNo DecayDeploy BikeSelf Bloodbag (4000 blood with bonus if you are in a hospital)AI Missions & Supply DropsGodmode & AntiTheft in Trade ZonesExtra items at Traders.Extra Towns, Barracks and Military BasesRemoved Stary Trader and added trader in GuglovoAdded a Bandit Homebase with Patroling AI and AI HelisModified AI for Challenging AI Missions!Added Lifting to Ch-47 and Merlin www.gotissues.eu help@gotissues.eu
  3. Added ToolBox and Map to the starting gear
  4. Changed port on the Taviana server from 2322 to 2330
  5. since the overpoch server didnt get any ppl we changed it to an epoch Taviana server.
  6. added a Overpoch Panthera server to our park.
  7. shut down the napf server and we are making an overpoch server!