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Bal Sofs Tihl

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Everything posted by Bal Sofs Tihl

  1. Bal Sofs Tihl

    [DayZ Zombie RPG - LA19] - Admin Abuse

    You banned him for killing people. That is dumb.
  2. Bal Sofs Tihl

    [DayZ Zombie RPG - LA19] - Admin Abuse

    So, you banned him for killing people? That is dumb.
  3. Unless we are all playing 75 year olds with acute osteoporosis, bones in this game break far too easily. I have never been killed by zombies, but I have died from breaking my legs for no reason many times. More times than I have died from gunshots, even. I fall 10 feet: broken legs. I fall 5 feet: broken legs. I get punched in the back: broken legs. I run into a door: broken legs. I crawl into a wall: broken legs. This mechanic does not function in a manner that I would describe as "working". Personally, I think it should be removed until it is fixed.
  4. Bal Sofs Tihl

    Environment damage needs to go

    Yeah, I agree that it should be removed until it can be fixed. I have died more to goofy bugs and glitches than to zombies and players combined. I think one problem might be that this is could be an issue with ArmA and not DayZ. So, fixing it might not be possible.
  5. Bal Sofs Tihl

    Less weapon spawn + no starter weapon = GG

    Hahaha, that's so mean.
  6. I had this bug happen to me before. No matter what I did, I just kept respawning in the same place with all my gear. I don't know how it happened; so, I don't know if it is something people can cause on purpose. Even switching servers did not fix the problem. I just stopped playing until an update went through and that fixed things. Could be that he is not a hacker, just a guy who got bugged and decided to take advantage of it. Probably still worth a temp ban, at least, haha.
  7. Bal Sofs Tihl

    Is the Lee Enfield meant to be that loud?

    That is how loud guns are in real life. Really, the others should be increased to be more in line.
  8. Actually, they are not rotting. They are not even zombies. They are infected people. They are still alive. I do like this idea. I think I would prefer a slower speed for infected who are investigating. If they sprint toward every noise, they would spend a lot of time just sprinting around, chasing fences. They should just walk towards sounds until they visually identify the sound as food. Then they go into kill mode and start running.
  9. Bal Sofs Tihl

    Blood etc

  10. Bal Sofs Tihl

    Was the threat ever zombies?

    Some people just want a persistent, free-for-all PvP shooter and that's OK - I'd play that - but that is just not this game. DayZ has the "Z" in it for a reason (though, since they are not really zombies, just infected people, so that reason is a little convoluted, but still). It is supposed to be about survival horror. Part of that is definitely that risk of getting killed by any people you come across and the FFA PvP and permadeath are some of the best parts of this game. However, the other aspects, such as survival and horror, definitely could use a little bit of work. I have a few ideas for how things could be changed. The characteristics and mechanics of the infected are getting to a pretty good place, I think. The biggest problems are really just bugs and exploits (infected walking in-doors and player ability to log out and be safe). One exception would be that I don't think enough infected spawn for gunshots. Guns are loud and I think only the Lee Enfield pulls a realistic number of infected. However, this is likely an issue of a much bigger problem: loot spawns. Right now, too much loot spawns, especially guns and ammo. Survival isn't hard - food and drink are everywhere. You don't spend all your time searching buildings to survive. Enough food spawns that finding it is incidental, an afterthought. What people search for are weapons and ammo. And not just everyday weapons and ammo, because you can find tons of that, too. People are searching for military grade weapons and ammo - automatic assault weapons and sniper rifles. Other gear people actively look for is equally ridiculous, like ghillie suits and night-vision goggles. After my last death, I searched three buildings in Electro and I found an AKM with 60 rounds, a winchester with 30 rounds, a revolver with 30 rounds, and a G17 with 30 rounds. I had also found a couple of Makarovs, two shotguns and a M1911 that I did not even bother picking up and I ended up ditching the Winchester, too, as I knew I could always find another if I needed to. I also had a ghillie suit, but I killed a dude for that; so, maybe it doesn't count. This creates an environment where no one thinks twice about shooting. Bullets are nearly worthless because everyone has more than they need. If you see a person who does not see you, there is no reason not to shoot him in the back. He dies and then you clean up the 10 or so infected who hear you. When I killed that guy for the ghillie suit, I emptied a whole clip of AK-47 (oh, yeah, I also found an AK-47) into him and still had one mag left for the infected. Bullets are worth nothing in this game and that is silly. The amount of guns and ammunition that spawn should be significantly reduced and the number of melee weapons increased. If you have one gun and 4 rounds, you are going to have to be really sure the person you are shooting at is carrying something good. Especially if every gunshot in Cherno spawns 50 infected. With this change (and some bug/exploit fixes) sneaking past infected could be far more worthwhile than playing the game like Quake or Left 4 Dead 2 (my favorite FPS and action-horror game). And if shooting a guy will get you killed right away from the infected that spawn or later because you won't have any ammo, you will much more inclined to cooperate or barter with him. Additionally, these changes would be more realistic. Chernaurus must have been an NRA enclave or something, because with the amount of guns and ammo we find, these citizens make the Midwest USA look like pacifist vegetarians. Reduce spawns of guns, reduce spawns of ammo, reduce spawns of everything. This will make the game more about survival, more about horror, and more realistic.
  11. It seems to me that the biggest problem is this: an infected hears you crouch walking from way far away and immediately sprints right to you, forcing you to run to get out of his line-of-sight, which attracts more infected which forces more running. The effect is that stealth is limited and playing the game as an arcade-y shooter/freeze tag simulation is the best way to search for supplies, even when you are solo. This is not fun. My suggestions: 1. Lower the noise levels of crouch walking. It is not that hard to crouch and sneak along quietly in real life and I think making it slightly easier than in real life would be best, in order to account for a lack of control and body awareness in the game. 2. If an infected detects you by sound only, it should make some kind of identifying noise and then walk at its regular walking speed toward the location at which you made the sound. Only when it spots you visually from a close enough distance to identify you as food should it go into sprinting kill mode. If these infected were madly chasing after every little noise, then they should be sprinting all over the place at all times. I hear a ton of fence clanging and horses and other ambient noises that should make them crazy, but that is not how it works. So, three modes: roaming , alerted and kill. 3. Gunshots should be much louder. Right now, most gunshots make about the same amount of noise as running, it seems. Make gunshots put all infected spawned for your character into alerted(walking toward the sound) mode. I think this would create the best stealth game. Unfortunately, I have no idea how feasible that is within the engine.
  12. Bal Sofs Tihl

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    "Why doesn't rocket test his patches before he tests his patches?"
  13. Bal Sofs Tihl

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    I mean, really? You want him to do bug testing before implementing a patch in an alpha test? Do you realize what you just wrote? The implementation is the bug testing!
  14. Bal Sofs Tihl

    An Idea to Stop most of the PvP

    Guns are not very loud. Not anywhere near as loud as they are in real life, especially compared to how much noise players make. Running is nearly as loud as the guns are in this game, if number of zombies pulled is any indication. Guns should be louder or movement should be quieter. However, I have no idea why someone would want to stop anywhere near "most" of the PvP. That is just silly.
  15. Bal Sofs Tihl

    How to make the blood system more realistic

    Yeah, this suggestion has been brought up lots of times, but I don't know if rocket has ever commented on it. If he has, I haven't seen the post.
  16. Bal Sofs Tihl

    Zombie gunshot alert mechanic

    Are you familiar with ArmA 2 code and modding? How do the noise mechanics work? If you think it is easy to implement, can you explain how it would be done?
  17. Most of the people I know who have standards aren't thieves.
  18. Bal Sofs Tihl

    Hatchet into Axe.

    No kidding. You don't even have to break branches off of trees - there's plenty off wood right on the ground.
  19. Bal Sofs Tihl

    Semi Perma Death.

    No, he's right. This idea is bad and you should bad for bringing it up.