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About mrfearless

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mrfearless

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    Cigarettes could be introduced as a form of currency for bartering items and as suggested offering someone cigarettes could be seen as a sign of being friendly - similar to the salute animation.
  2. mrfearless

    Script Restriction #40 ?

    Me and my friends got this today. However when we joined servers with 96061 (some servers show this as 96063) we get in fine. So i suspect the new Battleye 1.169 update is kicking due the client and server version difference. As i have the 96061 beta patch installed, when i join servers lower than this i get the kick message, but dont when i join 96061 servers. I adjusted my dayzcommander to filter out incorrect arma2 versions as well, and in game if im using the server browser i filter for '96061' Hope this helps others.
  3. mrfearless

    script restriction #96

    Visit www.battleye.com, and download latest battleye client and server files (BEClient.dll & BEServer.dll) and copy them to steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye folder. I had similar problem when i updated but had only downloaded the BEClient.dll file. Id forgot the server one as well. Once i had installed both, i stopped getting the script restriction #89, #90, #96 etc etc. Hope that helps
  4. - Make sure Arma2 and Arma2:OA are both ran once from steam to let it setup anything it needs and sets your registry keys etc. If you suspect your installation is corrupt, reverify steam files, let it update everything, and then run the 2 games once to let it setup registry or other settings. - Install DayZ with Sixlauncher, check options to make sure all the paths are correct for dayz to be installed, or download latest dayz version as a torrent and extract it all to a @DayZ folder in your steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead folder. - Download and run the arma2 beta patch. Copy the arma2oa.exe from steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\expansion\beta to steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead (backup old exe just in case) (or let dayzcommander do this update, whichever you prefer, but sometimes the newest beta exe is not copied to the arma 2 operation arrowhead folder, so maybe manually do it to be sure. If you reverify steam files at a later date, you'll probably need to reapply the beta patch) - Set steam launch options for Arma2:OA as: -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=2047 -world=chernarus -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause /high (or adjust to your setup if your have a dual core cpu or whatever or check the bohemia wiki for details: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Startup_Parameters) - Launch Arma2:OA, goto expansions menu, make sure beta, expansions and @DayZ are enabled. Re-launch to apply changes if necessary. - Should be good to play now. - Download dayzcommander from dayzcommander.com and let it handle installation of future arma2 beta patches and dayz versions. Note: if you add -mod=@DayZ or similar to launch options it will give you the dayz_anim CA dubbling error.
  5. So i spawned down the road, near Baloto airfield, went to the airfield and done a quick scavange, with little to find cept a m1911, then headed to the medical tents with the deerstands and found a new spawn body near the entrance, so avoided staying too long around the body and preceded carefully to check out the area and loot some goods from the deer stands - found an AKM and some smoke grenades (which i used to distract the zombies and get out quickly) Was heading off down the side of the road, but still in sight of the airfield hangars, when i seen some Zombies aggro near the industrial buildings a bit further down from the airfield hangars. Sure enough, i spotted a player legging it into the shed, and fending off Zeds with an axe. So i headed over to give a helping hand, using ingame mic to talk to him, asking if he needed help, i could hear the panic in his voice as he responded "friendly! friendly!". I then told him about the body i found near the medical tents, could be worth scavenging for some stuff. So off we went, the guy with the axe running beside me across the airfield. We got to the body, i stood watch as he took whatever he could, and then we headed over to the hangars to check them again. The guy with the axe, checked the com tower as i looked in the hangars, and at the bottom of one of them i found an M4A1 CCO. Picked that up, and told the guy with the axe that i had an AKM for him in the hangar, which he gratefully took. Then we headed off down the road to Cherno where my new friend got kicked with high ping. Sometime later on, after id arrived at Cherno and was lying low, i seen he was back on the server, and shortly after that i seen his death message. I felt sorry to see that he had only been alive a short time. But Im hoping he will tell his friends the tale of a mysterious stranger that came to lend a hand, helped him get stocked up with weapons & equipment, and didnt kill him. That my friends, is my good deed for the day.
  6. mrfearless

    Firehouse Glitching through walls?

    This happened to me tonight. I had aggro'd a zombie who followed me in firestation and i went up to check loot and came back down, he was then at the base of the stairs as i was descending and i tried to squeeze run past him, and i ended up clipping out throught the wall into the inside of the firestation. The zombies outside could still hear me as i frantically ran about and they where attacking the walls at the point i was (if i was right up close to them and the wall), i thought i might have to leave the game running to die of dehydration, and kept trying to run to one of the zombies hoping they could hit me from outside, which they couldnt. I switched from standing to crawl and followed the walls around and approached the green door and sort of just popped out of it and i was free. I took 2 screenshots to show this bug of me inside the non playable area of the firestation.