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Everything posted by 1khz

  1. Try other servers. Almost in every case it's server's fault, not yours.
  2. 1khz

    new EU server

    Mate, restart server. All people are stucking in loading screen for ages... EDIT @ 14:24 Server is still not working properly. Any info about it? Mate, cant play on my fav serv in this game ;/
  3. 1khz

    new EU server

    I love watch my hero when im cruising around elektro :) if you hate 3rd person, play on serv with 1st. Simple. 3rd is nice!
  4. 1khz

    new EU server

    What about restart time? Still no info on server about restarts. It's important for me :)
  5. 1khz

    new EU server

    Great server. Any info about restarts? You could make some nice message about restarts ingame :) Good job bro!
  6. 1khz


    As a begginer Kamenka was the worst place to spawn for me. But after few days this is one of the best spawnpoints in DayZ. Just as said above: GO NORTH DUDEEEE :)