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About Tubzy

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne Aus
  • Interests
    Event Production, Sound Engineering, Gaming and Hanging with Lil Girl.

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  • Bio
    I am a professional Sound Engineer working in Events and Theater. i work about 90 hours a week and like to relax my playing emersive games, like Day Z.
  1. Tubzy

    Herp Derp 2 au / nz

    Hey guys couple weird things tonight, well last couple days. 2 days ago i was killed by a random vehicle careening straight through a bunch of trees to get me in the pitch black, lots my l85 and fn fal with nv, so i figured hacker, it happens ill get on with it. spent the rest of the night, regrouping collecting supplies and weapons again, cool log out. tonight i log in walk into open field and snap, fn fal shot rings out from the tree line and i'm dead that one was legit, well start again. all is good to this point these are all things i expect. Fresh spawn with no bandages/torch or painkillers and on half health, weird i think but continue on i do ran around for about 4 hours maybe 5, collected up a bunch, found a heli down dropped all no essentials loaded up with a bizon and 3mags an fn-fal and 3mags and a dmr with 4mags, Bizon in hand other 2 primarys in the alice and an inventory full of ammo i set off back to my tent to unload and log, passing through starry on my way and my 3 year old wakes up i dart into a house and log, after getting her back off to sleep i log back on to get to my tent and finish up for the night. TO A FRESH SPAWN ON THE COAST. what the hell, don't know what is going on but if it happens again i might just have to shoot myself. Frustrating Day on the Herp Derp 2. Great server BTW this is the only problems ive had in my time on it.
  2. I edited it but basically yeah, i think it's wrong of these groups to monetized a free mod in an overwhelmingly commercial way, using their streams to recruit people to their white list for a cash benefit. yeah, i guess thats the selling point.
  3. Hey guys, been hearing a few different groups around taking money for signup fee's for their white listing's on their private hives. It may be just me but i think this is a bit wrong, sure donations are fine and everybody knows the servers need our support. But there are a few groups out in the streaming community that are taking signup fee's on their server and getting a response from a much larger number than can actively use the server at any kind normal level. when it comes down to it they have already monetized the free mod by streaming and now charging for servers, it's all bit wrong i think. Maybe it's just me... *Edited to clear up the confusion* These are Private Hive servers that are whitelisted ran by groups that are locked, they advertise through their stream(s) for a membership to their password locked server, a membership cost a certain amount and gets you the password and onto the server, until you break rules then you are banned.
  4. Tubzy

    Bit more hardcore

    I totally get that PVP is where the game is currently at, I'd just like to make it harder for people to play it that way, then maybe they'd try playing it a different way or they'd stop playing i guess... Well thanks for the input, was just a suggestion.
  5. Tubzy

    Bit more hardcore

    Yep, fair point the real Apocalypse analogy is over the top, i would just like to see the game evolve past, get guns shoot people, run through house to ditch the moronic Z's, loot people for more guns, repeat. anyone else?
  6. Tubzy

    Bit more hardcore

    All valid points, but would you shoot him on the chance he has food or good gear if it meant you would get swamped by Z's cos you fired your weapon in open field, considering you probably wouldn't have enough ammo (because its harder to find) to fight off a horde of Z's and would die. That's the kind of gaming I'm looking for. :)
  7. Tubzy

    Bit more hardcore

    Hey all, though this will not be a very popular suggestion, I'd like to see the game made a lot more difficult in term of finding gear. To start- Less rare weapon spawns Less rare weapon ammo Less medical supplies The reason for this is that the 225 sq-km of the map seems pretty populated with pretty full on military equipment, i have very little difficulty spawning, hitting a few loot spawns and i get an AK or an M4 with ammo to boot, not all that believable in an Apocalypse that there is going to tons of this stuff lying around. plus it would have probably already been looted. Higher Z agro for firing weapons... I could stand in a city all day popping Z's from a vantage with certain guns, unless the gun is suppressed you really should be avoiding firing it at all in dense areas, Z's and player should at least pose and equal threat, this would help give people an incentive to co-operate cos as it stands the game is pretty much PVP and the Z's are a minor annoyance. Increased melee role In response to the above changes increase the role and diversity of melee weapons, pipes, wrench, shovels, pitchforks would be more common place in a mainly rural environment such as this one. Increased tolerance to hunger. Increased tolerance to dehydration. Seriously who gets hungry every 2 hours, rules of 3 you can survive 3 min without air, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. obliviously this would be ridiculous considering the physical and emotional stress you would be under in this situation, but a little more tolerance would be nice, this would also allow you to make food more rare and increase the trading aspect and increase the incentive for high risk bandit behavior. This would add more depth to the game. just a few but you get the drift.