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Everything posted by TonyStarks

  1. TonyStarks

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Played it for about 2 hours and loving it. Teaming up with strangers is way better now. Zombies are relentless, me and my little group of survivors ran from building to building and they kept just swarming in through all openings.
  2. TonyStarks

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    This has got to be one of the worst arguments ever. You know why this mod is so popular? Because people were craving for a realistic zombie apocalypse game that doesn't hold your hands all the time for ages. And if that explanation doesn't satisfy you, consider that arma 2 is marketed as a simulator, thats why you probably never heard of the franchise before DayZ.
  3. TonyStarks

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    No new files at http://cdn.armafiles.info/. Is sixupdater mandatory now? There was a voting on this. You're late.
  4. TonyStarks

    Church bells when a player dies

    Cool idea but unrealistic and therefor won't be added.
  5. TonyStarks

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Thanks again rocket for removing the spawn makaroni gun. Carebears will whine and complain but that's all they do anyway.
  6. TonyStarks

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Woah, beware people, carebears are able to make threats! Seriously now, nobody cares. It's not like rocket gets money for every person that is playing the game. Leave, nobody will miss you. Tell your carebear friends too that starting weapons are getting removed.
  7. TonyStarks

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    That's the point. New players have to adapt to the game, not the other way around. New players will realizes that they are defenseless, so their only option is stealth. The first weapon could lay anywhere in a 100 meter radius for all I care, you're acting like I want to remove all weapons. This statement just further strengthens my assumption that you have absolutely no in-game experience. Like i stated earlier, you are invisible while prone. Zombies have to literally step on you in order to know you're even in their proximity. The most lethal, dangerous and unpredictable individuals remain the makaroni knights. Kids who heard about this game, installed it, spawned with a gun in their hand a thought "Yep, this sure is a FPS, better kill some people". Not only that but everything in this game should be precious seeing that it takes place in a survival setting. Something as valuable as gun shouldn't be given to the player for free, especially now that the game has blown up and everyone and their mom plays it. This game is close to sending out a strong signal to everyone in the game industry that this is really a balls to the wall zombie simulator.
  8. TonyStarks

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    1. Stealth is the key to success 2. There wouldn't be a point in killing new players because they don't drop any loot, this argument can however be countered by saying that some people would just enjoy killing new players for the fun of it. Early PvP on the beach however, in the month since I've played, is rare. Players that have been alive for a while spend their time in cities etc. looking for better loot. The pros outweigh the cons, I've been killed more times by makarov spamming survivors than anything. It's really annoying giving new players a gun out of nowhere when they spawn. People abuse the starting makarov, period. A few other pros for removing the starting gun: -Increases tension and the fear of dying, knowing that you'd spawn without a weapon -Survivors could meet early without the fear of getting back stabbed and work together
  9. TonyStarks

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Pros of spawning without a weapon, for the people who think it's a bad idea: -Removes early makarov spamming -Removes early PvP -Early Emphasis on stealth in order to get a weapon -Sends out a signal to new players that this isn't your typical FPS
  10. TonyStarks

    Voice & Text Communication

    People complaining about the removal of global chat are the ones used to a common online experience like a MMORPG. Most of them just registered so I don't think their opinion has any importance. Removing the global chat was the best thing that has happened to this mod. Global chat was completely unplausible and unrealistic. If the signal hasn't gone out by now, it should next update. This is not your typical game, stop trying to enforce common gaming-rules onto it. Can't wait for the next update and all the threads regarding the missing starting-weapon. "I just spawned without a weapon, wtf, i thought this was a FPS"
  11. TonyStarks

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Holy ****, thank you based rocket for removing the starting makarov. I requested this so many times. The heartbeat idea is cool too.
  12. REMOVE MAKAROV remove makarov you are worst carebear you are carebear idiot you are the carebear smell, return to call of duty, to our call of duty cousins you may come our game, you may live in xbox….ahahahaha, bandits we will never forgeve you, fuck but fuck asshole carebear stink bandit fridnly friendly..e3 failure best day of my life, take a bath of dead carebear...ahahahahahahBANDITS WE WILL GET YOU!!! do not forget bean war, meta-gaming we will kill the king , meta-gamers return to your precious LoL….hahahahaha idiot carebear and bandit smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE MAKAROV FROM THE PREMISES, you will get caught. cod+bf3+moh+hl3=kill bandit...you will bean war/ tupiac alive in chernarus, tupac making album of chernarus . fast rap tupac chernarus. we are rich we have and have beans now hahahaha ha because of tupac... you are ppor stink carebear... you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt tupac alive numbr on #1 in chernarus .....fuck the cod kidies ,...FUCKk ashol carebears no good is ipit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry, 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the carebear farm animal with rap magic now we the chernarus rule .ape of the zoo beaners fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bandit wa;s born, stupid baby form the eggn give bak our beans we will crush u lik a skull of pig. Removing makarov greattest idea in countrey
  14. Like I said, If you ever played any other online game that involves genders, you know how exploited female characters are. And why the hell are you bringing religion into this discussion. Mods close threads, your belief has nothing to do with closing threads.
  15. TonyStarks

    Did anyone buy Arma 2 solely for this mod?

    Only for DayZ, no offense to the main game but I'm pretty much sick of any military setting at this point.
  16. TonyStarks

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    2, it's simple and not as cluttered as the other options.
  17. TonyStarks

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Is it safe to play? The hotfix ran fine for me but after all the stuff I've been reading I don't wanna spawn dead and lose all my stuff.
  18. TonyStarks

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    Confirming this, huge FPS drop since the hotifx.
  19. TonyStarks

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    The "fanbase" doesn't have any clue about game design. Rocket knows exactly what he's doing, including the fanbase in decisions would make this game a 24/7 daytime , respawn instantly death match.