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Posts posted by Sergeant_Dono

  1. I know exactly what you do, that's why I am calling you an idiot.

    No, you don't know what I do, nor do you understand even the basics of SDLC, you are a TESTER. You don't do shit to write code, you simply follow some form of input that a real technical person provides. This was very obvious when you thought that removing a component meant starting from scratch instead of rolling back to the previous delta.

    I'll leave you fighting over whose wiener is bigger with someone else, big boy..

    This my young friend was never in question. To you perhaps, but again, I'd have to fill out a form for you to follow before you'd understand the overall process anyway.

  2. misstating what I say is your argument?

    dude.. stick to your management..

    You are aware that a Configuration Manager manages CODE right? I don't manage people, I provide developers with version control and tools for SDLC and manage the overall ALM. I'm part of the development team, there to keep the code organized, build the code and pacakge it (along with running the reporting data used by your team, etc.). To keep it simple for you, I'm the technical guy that builds the software that you test. If you were smarter or better educated / trained, you'd have my job instead of following some script that a developer made for you to test with. Please just stfu and go back under the bridge you troll, big boys are talking now.

    • Like 3

  3. ok, Mr. Configuration Manager..

    I am a Software Test Engineer and I can tell you for a fact that you don't know what you're talking about.

    two "pieces of code" may be good but cause problems when put together "in to the pot", you don't just roll back each time you get a bug

    you try to find out why it's not working and fix it, you don't start from scratch every time something does not work up front

    the reason why this is not what your "Industry Standard" says it should be, is that DayZ is not your industry standard game

    alpha, beta, whatever who cares how you call it and what u think it is? it's in development and we are testing.

    ROFL Seriously, this is your input? So, when you are testing, and a new piece of code gets added to the source stream and the application breaks horribly, you as an expert tester just say "Hooray! Let's keep on developing!". I apologize, can I come work in this magical place you do? Where code magically fixes itself by adding more and more broken components on top of the Main source trunk?

    Every place that I have worked at, removes broken source / components from the Main branch when the build or application breaks. We then FI (forward integrate) the code to a Development Branch for further development and testing. I realize that DayZ is "in Alpha", my concern is this:

    Rocket has made and insanely good game, I myself have purchased six copies of ArmA 2 CO since it came out (to pass on to friends, etc.). I understand that it is Alpha, but if he doesn't treat it more like a Release, or hell, even a Beta, his fan base will dwindle quickly. Gamers are fickle, and there are other game companies on the sidelines right now just ready to pounce on the market that Rocket has help flourish (zombie survival). If Rocket (or BIS, whoever) doesn't start following standard ALM practices, VERY quickly, the player activity will drop as fast as it rose and this game will die out to things like War Z.

    I don't want to see that happen, I want this game (and the future standalone) to be successful. So I'm throwing some experience in to the mix to hopefully help Rocket (and any others on his dev staff) to focus on following standard practices without all the "QQ" comedy posts so the game becomes as professional as it is fun. And Debiru, thanks for the laugh, I have a long day ahead of me and thinking of you as a tester in my team just makes me chuckle.

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  4. do you know anything about software development?

    i'm so sick and tired of seeing ignorant messages on this forum, it's so hard to read through all this messages to get to those who say something constructive or informative..

    if you've got nothing good to say, don't say anything.. you're not helping, you're just annoying

    Actually, yes, I know a great deal about ALM / SDLC / basic software development. And I'm getting tired of "stop whining, it's how development works". No, It is not.

    I've been a Configuration Manager / ALM Engineer for over a decade now, the entire Industry Standard does NOT follow the code delivery practice that is used by Rocket. Point being, if I put a bad piece of code in to the pot, I TAKE IT OUT and replace it with the old piece that worked. I should then go back to the drawing board and keep working on the proposed code specification and then try the process again. Broke is broke, it doesn't matter if it is Alpha. The point of an Alpha or Beta is to find bugs before Release. Well, THE BUG WAS IDENTIFIED. So pull the bad piece of code back out so we can continue testing everything else.

    This isn't Rocket Science (pun intended). If by adding an animation, or new graphic texture, it causes a large population of your testers to experience screen tearing, roll back to the previous file after you have collected your data (which I see plenty of data here, along with screen shots and youtube videos). Let them continue to play and test the game for the myriad of other changes going in to effect, instead of just giving up altogether because they can't even see properly. Then work on the animation/mapping, etc. again and try it once more.

    But whatever you do, don't leave the bad code in place for days, then call your tester base "QQers" and keep spouting off about how this is Alpha. If you go by the Industry Standard for the definition of Alpha, this is WAY beyond Alpha now, any real developer knows it. The second you released it in to large scale public testing it became a Beta, but please ... keep calling us all QQers and keep calling it Alpha if it will make you feel better on your lack of even basic knowledge on SDLC.

    My 2 cents.

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