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Everything posted by valtiel

  1. valtiel

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    No problems with vehicles saving things on my server,
  2. valtiel

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I haven't read through the whole thread, but as a server admin i've noticed a LOT of tents have gone missing with this update. I've had my server for around 5 months and i've always jotted down coordinates of other users' tents on my server just for reference. Most of them, including many of my own are gone now, ones that were still there on I *think* this may have to do with the whole "tents saving to the DB correctly" part seeing as how some of them were definitely packed up/destroyed at one point but there are definitely some that were not that are MIA now. Most of them were crafty tents that were stuck half inside of rocks and trees and such, maybe that has something to do with it.
  3. valtiel

    This is how you take a hostage...(video)

    A bunch of disorganized kids unable to communicate for 5 seconds that end up blowing up their own guy while someone complains about someone "messing with their game"? Yeah no thanks, how about you leave the griefing to a group that doesn't rely on teleporting to fix their mistakes.
  4. valtiel

    US 3349 Hosted by Quant (admin abuse)

    As an admin I believe its pretty pathetic that 12ninjas is being jumped on here. Sqweebs, you clearly do not know (as you even admitted in your post) what you were looking at in the logs. Satchel charges are fairly common these days, your research into their loot percentages is meaningless given how frequently items are duped. Multiple charges can be detonated at one time as well. The "helicoptercrash" is related to any vehicle explosion, I saw these same logs on my server when my main base was destroyed last month. Bottom line is that it seems these guys did absolutely nothing wrong and you knee jerked to save your base because you WANTED what you saw in the logs to be related to hackers thus violating rules that you are supposed to be following as a server admin. You are VERY clearly in the wrong here, your points about their "malicious intent" are completely irrelevant in respect to the rules.
  5. valtiel

    US 2954 [Admin Abuse w/ Proof]

    People will likely still scream "abuse" but I agree with you. You guys have no idea how stressful it is to basically be relegated to babysitting your own server from assholes who just want to grief people. A guy I play with was spawned killed for 30 minutes by a guy teleporting and continued to follow him through multiple servers (no idea how he did this). I made sure he was caught on tape and even then I only kicked him from the server. When dealing with this 24/7 you're basically constantly on the defensive so when it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck you often end up sending it packing lest the prick kill everyone on the server with a push of a button (this happened twice on my server in 5 minutes immediately after I updated to
  6. valtiel

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    Satchel charges are legit DayZ loot, http://dayzdb.com/database/satchel-charge Pretty shady that TruYadoo gave you his beans especially since he openely admitted to using AS50 TWS' while claiming they are legal (its not a DayZ weapon).
  7. I like the idea of it actually being a deterrent i.e. causing damage/bleeding to players and zombies. I think it should definitely be removed if it going to stay in its current state (zombies pass through it, reappears on restart, graphical issues) but if it were to actually have a use then i'd love to have it around.
  8. Agreed. Tents have largely been working fine for me. The only issue I have is the occasional tent that does not save IF it has been placed and not gone through a restart. A tent that has been through at least one server restart (which should be happening twice a day if the admins are responsible :P) has been 100% stable. Trust me, I save shit A LOT and I would be the very first person to complain if tents were giving me pains.
  9. I'm much more impressed with the first effort, you guys were very thorough (although no one found the M136's :P) The second effort was......uninspired. :D You left behind a lot of stuff and completely neglected flattening a whole area of tents. Thanks for leaving me a pedal bike though as that is what I was coming back for. See you in my crosshairs! ;)
  10. The bug still exists where vehicles and tents will be MIA after random server restarts, it seems to happen about 1 out of 20 on my server. Everything will reappear with the next restart. Despite the fact that I have had nothing but success with tents on I am still skeptical of saving things in fresh (just placed) tents. In it seemed that *most* of the time items would NOT save in a tent that was just put down but would save just fine after a server restart. Not sure of this is the case in but I would err on the side of caution and wait until a restart before placing items in a tent. This has not been an issue for me though in so far.
  11. Why exactly are you here then? You obviously hate this game and think that everyone that disagrees is a "hacker" or a "spawn sniper". The sense of superiority on guys like you is impressive; you know best and everyone else is a moron. Good luck holding down real world relationships with an attitude like that.
  12. I wouldn't mind seeing it go. It really serves no purpose as it does not really deter anyone, does not stop zombies, and generally looks kinda crappy. The sandbags and tank traps are very useful though.
  13. Agreed. I'll take easily stockable Jerry cans over my vehicles going on holiday somewhere. :P
  14. valtiel

    Wheres My Interface Bar? I need my interface Bar!...

    True, I agree its helpful at night when its hard to see your blood running away. :P Personally I enjoy the suspense of entering an area, knowing there are going to be zombies and having to figure out where they are.
  15. valtiel

    Wheres My Interface Bar? I need my interface Bar!...

    Sorry for sounding a bit dick-ish but, look around? If you're around any sort of building then you know there are going to be zombies. The white dots on the peripheral of your screen coupled coupled with scouting the area should be giving all the enough you need.
  16. Regarding tents, I believe Rocket has addressed numerous times that "duping" items is not going to be something that the mod will have a fix for. So things saved in tents will always reappear after a server restart if you have not manually saved them after removing equipment. had a known issue with the initial save, thats what this update sounds like its addressing, no mention of duping. Regarding blood, if you can not tell the difference between 8k and 12k then I think you have bigger problems than the lack of a debug monitor. Not only will the blood icon be noticeably different in color but everything starts to get pretty grey when you get down below 9k blood. Plus I would think you should have a pretty good idea of how beaten up you are if you're paying attention to whats going on in game. In terms of PvP, always keep yourself above 8k, when in doubt assume you're below that and blood bag/raw meat yourself. This isn't Rocket surgery folks, if the debug monitor had numbers for your food and water i'm sure people would be complaining about that too, but as you can see we do fine without them.
  17. He's not wrong though, everyone whines "now don't tell me this is Alpha" and then they go on to complain about things that ALWAYS occur in the alpha phase. This is a game still being built and fleshed out, shit WILL break when new things are added/bugs are fixed, this is just what happens in this phase of development. Most of the time you never see it because it occurs privately, public alphas are rare for all the reasons that we are experiencing. It is simply a risk you take, NO ONE should download a game that is clearly stated to still be in Alpha and expect anything more than what is happening right this second. If it were in the Beta phase then it would be a different story, otherwise you're barging into the GM manufacturing plant and jumping into an assembly line chassis while complaining about how the AC doesn't work.
  18. It also could be noted that I saved multiple items in a tent on my server at, stopped my server, updated to Arma II 96584, updated DayZ Commander and got in flawlessly on the first try with all my items in tact in said tent. Maybe I just got lucky but I had only had some faith in tents saving in, almost no faith in, and now I feel pretty comfortable with
  19. I agree almost completely. :P The ATVs do flip unreasonably often in significantly less than "flippable" scenarios i.e. hitting a flat surface after going down a steep hill (in my case at a blistering 2kph :D). This would not bother me in the slightest however if I was able to pick up my ATV, like I imagine you could in real life.
  20. As a server admin, this has been IMO the best update so far regarding tents. I've thoroughly tested saving things in them and have yet to have anything disappear through multiple server restarts. Also, and I can't believe no one has mentioned this (maybe I missed it), but I no longer have to do the 30 minute rain dance for the DayZ gods to place a tent, they seem to be going down wherever on the first try. I would however love to see packed up tents NOT reappearing after a restart seeing as how the aforementioned rain dance can cause tent placements that are less than great. I can confirm however that vehicles are losing their gas following a server restart, but their locations have been solid so far. To the people mentioning zombie aggro issues, I have not noticed anything even remotely close to these experiences. It was likely some sort of de-syncing issue i.e.the game/zombies still think you're in a town even though you're 100m into the woods. I raided two downed choppers with a friend earlier and both the loot and the zombies were present and functioning normally. The UI stuff does not bother me, I imagine given that its called a Debug Monitor it will be going away soon anyway, I rather like the excitement of not knowing how many zombies are around, its a helluva lot more realistic.
  21. valtiel

    Survivor Camp Coords

    I was in the base the OP posted the whole time, out on the east coast. The trucks all disappeared after the server restart, does not seem to save vehicle location so they all probably went back to where they were which was either in the woods where you moved them or back to the base out on the east coastline.
  22. valtiel

    Survivor Camp Coords

    Really? I saw an AKK141 online, both myself and Kellogg killed him once, I saw you online as well (assuming your in game name was Paris) although I don't know that I ever saw you in game. I killed a number of people, we only cared about the Ak107 GL PSO, the Makarov SD, and the M40A3. Did we miss anything else special? :P
  23. valtiel

    Survivor Camp Coords

    Cheers! If you were the one that was moving the Gaz/Hatchback last night with the AS50 TWS then I was watching you the whole time. :P If you had looked in my direction I would have shot but you never did, I prefer to get in and get out without bloodshed.
  24. valtiel

    Survivor Camp Coords

    That was pretty funny actually, did one of you guys nail him with the AS50? That was my buddy, I asked him to buzz the camp so whomever was there would be distracted so I could raid (wasn't sure who was around). I killed a bandit while I was there as well. After reading this thread I feel a little bad now, the OP seems like a total douchebag. :D After the chopper crashed in epic fashion it actually respawned in the same place it was after the server restart, fully repaired. Probably would have been a good idea to check that otherwise we would have never found where you stashed you stuff. I lifted off from there and did a north to northwest flyover with two buddies with good eyes.....as was mentioned it might be best to store satchels somewhere else. :P