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Everything posted by valtiel

  1. valtiel

    Survivor Camp Coords

    Kinda messed up, some people just like to collect things. That said, if they are dicks then they deserve it. :P
  2. Pretty much the only thing I have not gotten a hold of yet (I actually had one and a tent ate it) :( Looking for a certain gun or maybe some NVG? Let me know!
  3. Sure! Those were the terms of the last trade, Sending PM.
  4. Daytime bump! Previous trade fell through due to hackers. :(
  5. Sorry if this has been posted, but I've found a way to duplicate this bug 100% and I have not had it happen to me since avoiding it. I've been stuck on the loading screen before and had to force quit but this will only cause to you spawn on the coast IF YOU ARE JOINING A SERVER WITH A DIFFERENT DAYZ VERSION THAN THE ONE YOU HAVE INSTALLED. I have NEVER once spawned on the coast when joining servers that match my DayZ version, I will rarely get stuck loading and have to force quit but this never causes a coast spawn. However this becomes really dicey as it seems that admins will often mislabel their servers/forget to update them. The solution? Either take note of the servers that you hung at loading on or take note of the ones you were able to get in to and try to stick to those because without fail, joining one with a different version, getting stuck on the loading screen, quitting, and joining another server WILL cause you to spawn at the coast somewhere.
  6. Similar issues here. Tents used to work fine for me but now nothing seems to want to stay saved in them, lost some valuable stuff in the process.
  7. Well you've probably sorted this out by now, but yes they would. Everything will be back when the server restarts.
  8. valtiel

    Let's steal a huey!

    I've had mine for about a week now........although thats probably because its hidden in the woods and I rarely use it. :P
  9. valtiel

    US 1040's Colony explodes.

    If it were a real life situation of course I wait for them to leave or whatever, but server hopping to sneak into somewhere =/= waiting until they're occupied. The actions were justified, the means were unfair. I still would have loved to have seen it though. :P
  10. Nice shot, lol. I knew it wasn't safe to be so close to that dead body, I just really wanted his silened M9! I had tons of great stuff on me, you earned it (although based on what you shot me with I don't think you'll need it). Better yet, I was on server US 810 in the trees north east of Stary, near the red building. Anyone that wants NVG, GPS, AS50 etc etc can try to get it themselves. :P
  11. Hah yeah that was the idea, its sad that so many people are poor sports when they are fairly outmatched/gunned/witted/whatever. And I was DEFINITELY bad at surviving in this case, I gotta give credit to the fact that I never saw the guy (obviously), I only have a vague idea of where he even shot me from, and he didn't miss his first shot when I was prone in the tall grass with a Ghillie suit on. Unless of course he was using the ole' L85 scouting trick, then fuck that guy, :P
  12. valtiel

    US 1040's Colony explodes.

    I'm all for laying waste to a camp, especially if its one owned by admins that are being bullies.....but not at night when their backs are turned. Kind of a catch 22 though as a successful full frontal assault would probably lead to a server restart/possible kicking/banning before you get to set off the fireworks.
  13. Cheers for that! 128 views and one reply, I hope that means there is a blood bath going on in Stary. :lol:
  14. valtiel

    US 1040's Colony explodes.

    Pretty epic, except for the part where it sounds like you snuck into their base in the middle of the night when no one was around so you wouldn't have to do it when they were on guard. If this was actually the case I understand an admin jumping to the conclusion that a hacker spawned bombs over their base given they didn't see anyone sneak in (because no one did).
  15. I had to do a quick log out and log back in and I spawned back down on the coast. :( Sorry man, hope you get help.
  16. I'm on my way there from the south if you can hold out.
  17. valtiel

    Looking for L85 and Maybe an SVD.

    I'm around and would love a range finder! Want to meet up?