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Everything posted by bama2k

  1. bama2k

    Hackers with crossbows.

    i know its also indisputable that 24 soldier skins, were definately duped and scripted. in putting two and two together im sure the rest of the items in all the vehicles they found were also duped... but then again i could be wrong.
  2. bama2k

    New Weapons / Suit / Greatest Discovery!!!

    also i believe if you watch his video again, he didnt ask for anything he was trying to kill them, and the hackers said, Hey! since you didnt complain and cry, and since you played around with us.... Heres some free stuff..... im sure if someone did that being that your "new" as you claim, youd probally go crazy just as you did in your video in here... Report yourself if your gonna report anybody. AGAIN, Good Day Sir!!!
  3. bama2k

    Hackers with crossbows.

    umm coming from the kid who looted duped items, and hacked skins??? i dont think you contradicted yourself at all, but just saying, since you "used" those items, that makes you one of those that should be "reported".......... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75323-new-weapons-suit-greatest-discovery/ but good day sir!