Let me clarify what happened because you're too stupid to know there are two sides to every situation. One of you turds shot Borock, he died. Tom ran off and flanked and shot down on dumpy Beau, killing his turd self. I ran over to Borock's body, grabbed the gun, and turned around and blew your head off with it. You did land some bullets with your dumpy mp5 but you must have atrocious aim or shot me in the feet because I only lost a little blood and had a broken leg; so, dont claim were a hacking just because your australian turd self couldn't shoot to kill you dumptruck. All in all, you are bad. You made a poor decisioin to try to kill one of us and take the heli for yourself and it backfired, which ultimately ended up in you getting your butthole pushed in for the next 2 hours.