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About Raveren

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  1. if you dont understand why you got kicked, then you shouldnt be allowed to play EVER. banditry is one thing, but intentionally being a douche to the "freshies" as you call them is totally different. the mod rules are clearly stated. if you really think that you were not in the wrong in any way, send an appeal to the Day Z dev team to try and get them blacklisted. dont be surprised if they tell you that you're fucking retarded.
  2. Raveren

    Some sort of plot

    i can see that the vastly open environment is a very appealing aspect of this game. i was thinking some sort of plot point that wasnt mandatory, like having intermittent rescue parties or military intervention that would have no chance of actually succeeding, but you would have to evade like sweeper teams or something.
  3. Raveren

    Some sort of plot

    Ive been playing this game for about two weeks, and ive tried different styles of play like scavenging, friendly, and bandit. after acquiring and losing items, both rare and common, i find myself bored with the game this early on. i think that its an awesome gameplay concept that could potentially revolutionize the gaming industry, but there needs to be some sort of vice that makes the player feel a want and need to keep playing. the only thing that keeps me playing is that i have a lot of friends that play and we use the game as a sort of social medium since none of us really live anywhere near each other. with a group, gameplay turns to Hunters & Gatherers: The Game. if there was some sort of plot or force assigned factions or something, i think that it would make things a lot more interesting and entertaining.
  4. Raveren

    day z is broke

    thought you said that you're done with it? if you're so fed up with it then why are you going to log back on to get rid of your gear? here's a thought. JUST STOP PLAYING THE GAME IF YOU CANT HACK IT!
  5. if there was some way of harvesting certain types of vegetation out in the forest it would add to the survival factor. having some good ones mixed in with some hazardous ones would make it so it wouldn't be too easy. there are several different edible native vegetation all over the world, it just takes a little know how so that you don't eat the wrong thing and poison yourself.
  6. saying that having a way to kill yourself in game promotes suicide is like saying that allowing bandits in the game is promoting armed robbery and murder. regardless if something is "controversial" or not shouldn't dissuade someone from putting it in the game. look at the Battlefield franchise, they have a suicide button in just about all of their games. give people a little credit to be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
  7. Raveren

    More variety in spawn points

    so why not add a story to how you start on other parts of the area? you could say that you are a survivor of a plane crash or something. just off the top of my head.
  8. Raveren

    More variety in spawn points

    ok, may be a bit of an exaggeration, but i defer to my original point
  9. It wouldnt be a bad thing if there were more spawn points other than the furthest south of the map. I mean, the environment is huge. It would be nice to see the rest of the area without needing to walk for days heading north.
  10. Raveren

    Player Punishment Ratio Unacceptable

    Its funny how people have such high expectations of how this "game" is supposed to run. Arma 2 is a civilian version of a much bigger "game" developed by Bohemian Interactive called Virtual Battle Space. VBS is a COMBAT SIMULATOR originally developed to train the armed forces in a virtual environment. When you take an environment like that and vastly change everything, its going to have problems.