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Posts posted by carecup1@hotmail.com

  1. Friend A hacked items into a tent - get a bann cause admins are not blind

    Friend B hear tears on ts - and laugh^^

    No :)

    Dude one of your friends use cheats^^ and you use his stuff.

    and thtats the reasson for the bann.

    Are you retarded? they accused us for hacking weapons and putting them in tents then they changed their stories to us using scripts. They clearly don't have any secure evidence to ban us on. If i was banned because i hacked do you really think i would post of the dayz forums.., Use your brain FFS.

  2. Server admins in this case had 3 options.... but they chose to go with a 4th.

    Option 1) Look at logs and ban the ones using scripts.

    Option 2) Shutdown the server and do Option 1.

    Option 3) Do nothing

    NOT an Option 4) Ban everyone in group, then do Option 1 and unban the rest.

    But how does one know if the script we were getting kicked for we actually so called "hacks" i've googled it. People have had the same problem because their internet has disconnected. I just find it unfair that is why i have posted.

    Oh and by the way to all the butthurt forum kiddies out there.. I actually don't care what you have to say :) your two cents none sense is pointless it has nothing to do with you nor should you even post on this thread :)

    • Like 1

  3. We'll have to see what the owners of DAYZ think. because i'm pretty damn sure you cannot get banned from using hacked weapons, it's frowned apon from the community. But i'm pretty sure the g36c sd camo is exactly the same as the m4a1 cco sd. but with a holo sight which i find better. Anyways. From rockets mouth. You cannot get banned from using hacked weapons or vehicles. I'm not going to post again. Because i'm sick of explaining myself to people who clearly just wants to be a nusiance to others.

  4. I find it very hard to sympathise with you. You're using hacked items, whether you hacked them in or not is besides the point. I've only ever found one hacked weapon in-game (lucky I guess) and I dumped it on the nearest dead zombie before hiding the body. I'd shake the admins hand personally. Don't use hacked weapons = Problem solved no?

    who said we were using them? they were in tents. Clearly you are somewhat of a friend of the admin.

  5. Uhmm, yeah well we spoke to them and they said they would look at the logs.

    They sent me Script restriction #195, Vehicle create #1 and another one which i cannot remember. They didn't provide any proof, like screenshots or video of us so called (hackers).









    all from being banned because we had hacked weapons in some tents.

    • Like 1

  6. This guy gets it.

    I got the RIGHT to kill someone if they shoot me for no reason, without provocation.

    Sure, if I shoot at them they can shoot back.

    Back just randomly killing me?

    Nah no thanks that shit is gay.

    Your moral is retarded. If i shoot at them then sure, they can shoot back. What you just said is pretty much their attitude. Hey look, if i shoot at this player they can attempt to shoot me back. If you aren't fast enough to shoot at them THEN DON'T FUCKING PLAY.

  7. Well the tent with the hulux and the ural, which was my camp. I suspected it to be hacked because the ATV was left there after the server went down (saying it was unprotected) Btw my name is : Scotty. it's kinda hard to get proof since i am banned from the server. But i can take a screenshot once i loaded it. We just got banned not 10minutes ago. Me and a mate mattyboi something or other... But if you could unban us it would gladly be appreciated. As of the hacking i just assumed because of the server being down and not being able to connect due to battleye not being acitivated.

  8. Anybody else think it's easier to see someone at night with NIGHTvision? You earbiter kid, the heli is in the game now FYI and all the spawns are on the beach. Do the math. You could have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you wouldn't have shot at us in the first place so kudos to you for bringing your own troubles onto yourself and getting pooped on for 2 hours.

    considering we were in elektro, i laid two full clips of mp5 into tom, which was the dude with the thermal as50. (hacked gun) so do the math pal ;)
