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Everything posted by Brutalpanties

  1. Brutalpanties

    Glitched Character Data

    Can you post your current Arma 2 and Dayz versions?
  2. Brutalpanties

    Hi there, could you update Change log on the Download page.
  3. Brutalpanties

    Problem updating to

    Uhh, check server version before you join a server. Dayz Commander server statics 60% are using old and 20%
  4. Brutalpanties

    What Vehicle can hold the most..

    UAZ Best id say. Seats for 7 people , storage enough and aswell works like charm on off road, relative small and easy to hide since its all green.
  5. Brutalpanties

    Backpack problem

    Its has something to do with our past in game.. did you enjoy killing people? Its all about our humanity if you ahvent noticed yet it means that you are bandit
  6. Brutalpanties

    Did they nerf the revolver?

    Oh yeah, http://dayzdb.com/database/revolver
  7. Roses are grey Violets are grey Urrgh..
  8. Brutalpanties

    died because of graphical glitch

    Try following: Windowed mode (works on me) "shift" + "numapd -" and type flush (works some times) Video options, low all and try to change video memory (works decently)
  9. Brutalpanties

    Graphical Glitches at NW airfield

    Works fine, but still aint fixed
  10. Brutalpanties

    Graphical Glitches at NW airfield

    You can, just stay away from NW and other places (balota, cherno..etc). Aswell press "shift" + "numpad -" and type flush it works around and changing video setting helps some times Aswell trying now windowed if it would "fix" it.
  11. Brutalpanties

    What I don't get about BattleEye and Hackers

    Well i have seen a many it times a hacker connecting a server and he gets "banned" but after a while its seems that he's retrying connection until they succefully connect, something about buffer-overflow? Asuming that they get on server and play for 10-15mins before they get kicked they spawn stuff for their "non-hacking" account vehicles/equipment/anything what you can imagine.. or in worst scenario they use mass-destruction weapons or something other nasty things.' Its a theory.
  12. Brutalpanties

    Old - The day that i almost fly a Huey.

    I hope it will change when they release stand alone version
  13. Brutalpanties

    Sniper Chronicles: Being A Better Sniper

    Sweet! Pretty much basic's but will work around..
  14. Brutalpanties

    First ever helicopter kill. OMG.

    Took 14h to shoot that down..
  15. Brutalpanties

    Being a Bandit Badass

    Balota, hill just on north side two survivors hit the upper hill, Im waiting with DMR until they reach the top. First one takes binoculars and tries to spot something. A 7.62x51 ammo pierce holes on his back on 15m range he collapsed, the second guy with hatchet gets couple on his legs.. "No please..no.." was the last thing what he said to me.. Enjoying a cup of coffee..
  16. Brutalpanties

    How to recruit new players in DayZ

    Hey little boy!
  17. Brutalpanties

    DayZ - Night raid on Stary military tents

    2x Bandits, DMR with NVG good spotter with L85 AWS would have been great add for this vid
  18. Brutalpanties

    Some ideas i have for reducing Camping bandits

    Idea isnt bad, supporting this one for real, even tho that its "against" bandits. Couple of times i have run across take a prison situation it should work clean and fast, but the only issue is that the player witch will be shot wont allways survive and by trying to knock him out the Kidnapper who should grab his body and drag him to the woods will risk his life just to check if his alive or not, hostage situations are lovely.. give some fancy aspect on game.. Would work for bandits and survivors.. knocking player/player's allways could improve the game exprience for new players and aswell older ones
  19. Brutalpanties

    Stuck at loading screen

    Worked like charm! Have some beans!
  20. Brutalpanties

    Stuck at loading screen

    Same happens to me, after hopping to another server to join up friends Dayz stucks on loading screen after restart it may work again but sooner or later reboot will fix it for one load, after being stuck on screen it spawns some where on the coast. Pretty much annoying when it happens. Trying out to reinstall BattlEye after next buggy spawn to see if updating it before joining any server could solve the issue... still restarting comp and reinstalling solves connection but still spawns on random location
  21. Brutalpanties

    Keep spawning on shore

    Seems to be working sometimes, not sure but basicly after disconnecting restarting game helps a lot but still 1/3 times it will spawn on random location.. Waiting for update for now
  22. Brutalpanties

    Keep spawning on shore

    Same happens to me, after hopping to another server to join up friends Dayz stucks on loading screen after restart it may work again but sooner or later reboot will fix it for one load, after being stuck on screen it spawns some where on the coast. Pretty much annoying when it happens. Trying out to reinstall BattlEye after next buggy spawn to see if updating it before joining any server could solve the issue