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Posts posted by machine77

  1. Dunno if this has been suggested. How about the characters humanity scores ties in with zombies awareness to them?

    A character that continuously murders others gets a higher zombie awareness, makes them more prone to being noticed and chased by zombies. That would be a good incentive to avoid murdering people with your good loot. Although it doesn't stop you from doing it.

  2. Hi, I'm interested in hosting a server and have read the rules regarding the functionality of the server in use with the mod.

    I emailed the dev team in order to receive a instance number and have not been emailed back. Is there something else not covered in the server setup process required to get approval or is it because you are overwhelmed with server setup requests?

    Also following this link http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2704259

    I need to download a generated mission. The link here is broken. Will the email i receive with the instance number also have a link or be given the generated mission file?

    Thanks in advance.
