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Everything posted by Dexanix

  1. OK now i would like to get clarification to this. Does things save on the new servers? or is the stuff in tents and such as saved cars nullified on server restart. I tried to save some of my gear to tent and let it stay there for 2 hours then restart the server as it should but after reboot im left with fing empty tent. I know the chopper is not saving at all and thats not an issue. Please help me what can i do to fix this if anything, My server code is FR 290
  2. If anyone has interest to try this I highly reccomend it. This has been tested and proved to work on many servers that I have been trying.
  3. Who wants the glitches to be fixed? Well I made my OWN workaround on this issue, though this brought me to have minor glitching with barbwire :D NOTE THE FOLLOWING MIGHT CAUSE INSTABILITY OR MORE GLITCHES SUCH AS INVISIBLE BARRICADES ON ROADS. I have my own patch that is called the 3 is there because it uses the anim.pbo and sign file. Simply using that file solved my problems with the soldiers on the servers that run and yet I tell you this now and not on the begining of the weekend and that is because I wanted to test this and also ABUSE my own GENIOUS THINKING to fix the problem. I am not here to flame on ROCKET (BEANS TO ROCKET ON TRYING TO FIX IT FOR ALL) Since I as a hobby web-developer know that when you add something you break something thats just how it goes and with the amount of scripting they have had to do for this mod it is way easier to look over something and break then to fix it once it broke even though rolling back the code would fix it but you would face the old issues again. + sides: Faster loading time on servers Improved bullet count other small fixes - sides: glitching was not fixed on my HW with the original patch used my homebrew :D HW specs: XFX (ATI) 7770 (ATI CCC 12.6) FX-8120 Bulldozer 8GB 1600 Kingston Genesis memory those are the ones that most likely affect it