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Everything posted by dr'

  1. dr'


    Lol whole team wasted by a one piddly Enfield, your crew are nubs dude and that trick you pulled is dirt.
  2. Thats because a large proportion of bandits are just flat out losers. Lets face it, banditry is the easy path and Alt+f4 is just a continuation of the same mindset. This is not a diss of banditry in general, I would like to believe that most of the players in this forum aren't scared of dying and would take death like a man. (Isn't rule no1 dont get attached to your gear?)
  3. Dude, just because it hasn't happened to you does not mean that it is not a big problem. I know 7 people who love this mod but refuse to play it because their progress comes to naught when they are nuked or teleported. THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM. Just the other night I came across a player in Cherno with M4CCO and Coyote backpack. My friend and I are like "nice gear". Long story shot I shot him twice point blank with a double barrel and my friend shot him four times with a M1014. He just laughed and then wasted us both. GOD MODE. I've been Instakilled, killed by invisibles, teleported into the ocean, teleported into the sky and killed by spawned helicopters. All times of the day, on different servers with varying player counts. p.s calling someone an idiot because they play on a high traffic server makes you sound like a douche.
  4. I thought I would share my story about my first encounter with a bandit. On one of my first visit to the shores Chernarus it was night. Being new I had little to no idea of what to do or where go. I met a friendly player in Kamenka MATT who told me over chat to open a map in my steam overlay. Being back in we had flares and Markovs but are fresh out of clues. Zelo was to the north so we ran for ages through the night until we made it to the Supermarket, finally a place with some (obvious) loot. Being new I was throwing flares everywhere. Suddenly over direct chat UNKNOWN "Friendly in Zelo store?" ME "Yes we're friendly come and join us" Standing in the back room with MATT I see a figure appear at the window, LIAM. The flares are glowing I can see him clearly, he is close. Liam stands at the window for a second, looking right at me. This can't be good. "PAP" I take a bullet and fall Unconscious. My friend MATT probably deep in his loot menu makes no moves, I see LIAM turn slowly and deliberately. "PAP PAP PAP" MATT was killed. The hourglass obscures my view but I can see the door open and LIAM moves in to loot. New players are so trusting, easy picking. He must be so proud of himself. But LIAM must be new too because I am not dead yet and the timers almost up. With his face now buried a loot menu I regain conciousness. LIAM only used one bullet on me, I use a whole clip on him. The Markov spits revenge into his back and he crumples to the floor. Revenge is sweet. No bandages and all the commotion had stirred the natives. It's time to die. It's ok though. Don't get attached they say, plus I'd rather have my guts chewed up by one of those rabid freaks than die to a piece of shit like you LIAM. Small comfort.