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Everything posted by Tretik

  1. There are still friendly players on the server. For me the point of this game is to survive and help others to survive as well. I've been killed plenty of times, majority by snipers from somewhere I don't see. Don't like those. So for me, the aim now is to kill as many snipers as possible. I've got 3 so far, been playing for 2 weeks only. My humanity is pretty low still, around 3k, but I plan to raise it up. Also, I play solo. No friends interested in this game. I tried teaming up with someone but it's just hard to plan and play at the same time. However, if anyone has the same mindset as I do, you are welcome to add me to steam friends - Tretik. Here is a screen of my stuff - all taken from a sniper. I am not really afraid to lose it so but snipers are. It just feels good to kill them and imagine them yelling and rage quitting haha.
  2. I'd team up with you. Been playing for 5 days lol. Pretty new at this. Steam name: Tretik
  3. Tretik

    Should I just shoot everyone?

    How about we switch from words to action! Anyone wants to team up and be friendly and kill those bastards?