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About Clayleb

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  • Location
    Wisconsin, USA
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    Interesting things
  1. I can't seem to find your server on Six Launcher or DayZ Commander. Any ideas?
  2. ArmA name- Caleb E-mail- [email protected] Location (State/Province/Territory/Ect, Country)- Wisconsin, USA TeamSpeak?- I can make one if you need me to. Hours available- USUALLY from 3:30 PM Central Time into the rest of the night on weekdays and pretty much whenever I wake up on weekends. Additional details- I am somewhat new to Namalsk but by no means new to DayZ, I'm a seasoned veteran in my opinion. The group might need to show me around a bit, at least where I can find a good starter kit. ( A little side note, you replied to my post on the Survivor HQ forum section.) Stay frosty! Edit: Damn double posts...
  3. ArmA name- Caleb E-mail- [email protected] Location (State/Province/Territory/Ect, Country)- Wisconsin, USA TeamSpeak?- I can make one if you need me to. Hours available- USUALLY from 3:30 PM Central Time into the rest of the night on weekdays and pretty much whenever I wake up on weekends. Additional details- I am somewhat new to Namalsk but by no means new to DayZ, I'm a seasoned veteran in my opinion. The group might need to show me around a bit, at least where I can find a good starter kit. ( A little side note, you replied to my post on the Survivor HQ forum section.) Stay frosty!
  4. Just looking for a small group to join up with. Me: I'm American I'm a seasoned DayZ player and can easily find food, water, and military gear. 16 years old and mature but can still have a good laugh I can use a mic if you'd like me to, i'm afraid I don't have a Skype, the only communication I have is in-game chat or through Xbox. (If the entire group is using Skype I can go and make a Skype if you want me to. The Group: 3-5 people (give or take). Hive or Non-Hive based is fine. Can be an experienced group or it can be a Bambi group that I'll have to show around. If it's Hive based, I'm pretty much kitted out with an M14 AIM with a whole lot of DMR mags, 1911 with a couple mags, ghille, food, water, and basic tools like matches hatchet knife and toolbox. Sadly, i have no NVG's so if we're going to be playing at night we'll need to get some for me. Hopefully, we'll have a good time together.
  5. Just looking for a small group to join up with. Me: I'm American I'm a seasoned DayZ player and can easily find food, water, and military gear. 16 years old and mature but can still have a good laugh I can use a mic if you'd like me to, i'm afraid I don't have a Skype, the only communication I have is in-game chat or through Xbox. (If the entire group is using Skype I can go and make a Skype if you want me to. The Group: 3-5 people (give or take). Hive or Non-Hive based is fine. Can be an experienced group or it can be a Bambi group that I'll have to show around. If it's Hive based, I'm pretty much kitted out with an M14 AIM with a whole lot of DMR mags, 1911 with a couple mags, ghille, food, water, and basic tools like matches hatchet knife and toolbox. Sadly, i have no NVG's so if we're going to be playing at night we'll need to get some for me. Hopefully, we'll have a good time together.
  6. Clayleb

    My Long Streak of DayZ Boredom

    I'm not usually into the whole clan thing, but I wouldnt mind joining up with a smaller sized group. I'll try that and see how it goes I suppose.(No rhyme intended) I think I've seen Cricken play this (look him up on Youtube if you haven't heard of him), I'll look into this game.
  7. Clayleb

    My Long Streak of DayZ Boredom

    I do have a rotation of games that i play, it normally consists of BF3, one of the CoD's, Borderlands 2 (I've beaten that game to the max though), one of the Halo's, and sometimes one of the Assassin's Creed. I've gotten bored of them just recently too though, if i had money i'd buy Halo 4 and AC 3 but too bad I have no money. :|ARMA 2 is a game I haven't tried lol. I really should get around to it.
  8. Clayleb

    My Long Streak of DayZ Boredom

    A drinking game might be fun. I'd agree but finding trustworthy people is a problem most of the time Lol I saw a Youtube video of a guy doing that on top of the hospital, I don't think it worked out too well for him...
  9. So, recently I have become somewhat bored of DayZ. I've learned to survive by myself easily, I've made my camps secure and filled them with goodies, have found multiple vehicles and have fixed them up myself (then had most stolen -_-), and have had my fair share of player and bandit encounters. I've played on Lingor Island and Namalsk and found them both a nice change, but i eventually lost interest in them as well. Also worth mentioning, banditry isn't in my nature and I do not find it fun whatsoever. Does anyone have any ideas on what can help reignite my initial DayZ excitement?