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About mkmk139

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. What did the update do?
  2. I don't have another vehicle and i spent all day trying to find parts for this one. I finally drive off and get glitched in a rock. Sad day.
  3. I have flipped my atv on a hill! How can i flip it to where i can drive it? I have skype if you want to walk me through it or you can post below. Skype name Bradleyjones97
  4. Hey want to team up My skype is bradleyjones97 we are in eletro with nothing.
  5. mkmk139

    Want to team up!

    I have skype now my user name is Bradleyjones97
  6. mkmk139

    Want to team up!

    I'm getting it know.
  7. I am new to Dayz about a week old. I am looking for people to play with. I have teamspeak, xbox live, and skype My steam id is hii_im_bradley My xbox live is Hii x Im x Brad My skype is bradleyjones97 I haven't respawned yet so. msg me on steam xbox or leave a reply on here. I live in texas. just for server reasons.