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About MrYoubs

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Running, Cycling, Snowboarding, Skiing, Rollerblading.

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  • Bio
    History Student, 18, Dedicated sniper.

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not shoot, the courage to shoot the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies.
  1. Okay so i'm positioned on top of a large building in cherno with a sniper. I am looking around for players. Here's my question: I believe that the number of zombies in an area is reflective of how many players are in that area or nearby. For example; there are 20 zombies in north cherno = 3-4 players there. 0 zombies in south cherno meaning there are 0 players there. IS this correct? If so then surely this is a great trick for snipers : watch the zombie infested areas. Thanks
  2. WTB fix from devs :(:( Any ideas why it's only just randomly started happening to me?
  3. Essentially my humanity is none-existent. It doesn't work the way it should and i regularly spawn with 0 humanity and a bandit mask, it swaps between 0 and maybe - 3000 or such, i dont get credited/punished for killing etc. I dont care about that - thats the background. So last night for the first time (playing with a friend) my alice pack randomly replaced itself with a coyote 8 slotter (empty). I got another. It happened another 6 times maybe. I thought, meh bugged server, logged. Today same problem. Why is this happening to me? most of the time it happens when my "skin" changes as i lose/gain the bandit mask. It's really pissing me off as i lose my gear in the bag and i can essentially only use the inventory :/ Help anyone?
  4. MrYoubs

    Dear Hacker: George Smith

    George Smith just hacked another server we were on... what the actual fuck.
  5. MrYoubs

    Dear Hacker: George Smith

    Jesus christ it was a joke.. Don't get so buthurt. I was quoting Liam Neeson in Taken for a laugh. I realise i will not be able to hunt this person. +1 I don't want to live on this planet anymore
  6. Dear George Smith, I sincerely hope you are reading this. You hacked our server and killed everyone on it. My partner and i found our bodies. We have our snipers. Congratulations, you've made the list motherfucker. I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you -Ben & Nick
  7. MrYoubs

    Getting a sniper Rifle.

    Thank you very much, so it's still a trip up north then :/ oh well :)!
  8. MrYoubs

    Getting a sniper Rifle.

    Not seen a heli crash yet... hmmm:/ + what is "pking"?
  9. MrYoubs

    Getting a sniper Rifle.

    Where can i find one? Also - even barns in lower bits of the map? ie around cherno/elektro?
  10. I will paraphrase rather than writing a paragraph due to my current state of, well, *sighhhh* Spent hours chilling, gearing, sneaking, collecting, exploring, helping, fighting, meeting friends, staying alive, roleplaying (to a very limited degree albeit) etcetcetc. Finally find a bicycle. Headed north. Checked Deer Stands. Checked airfield between Cherno and Balota 1000000000000000 times. Made it to airfield. Began SUPER evasive sneak around border after checking left barracks, over to the right hangers. Got shot in head. Surely there is a quicker/easier way? it doesnt have to be amazing, i just want a decent basic sniper rifle. Any tips before i shoot myself with a nail gun?
  11. sounds legit guys, thanks! btw: biggest justice ever, found my corpse, the faggot who killed me afk got kill by zombies before he could loot me :') so happy. i shall commence my run to NWAF :D ty
  12. havent seen once bicycle yet in over 50 hours of playing :/