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Everything posted by grasmann

  1. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Alright, obviously we're starting all over once again. 1. Of course nobody forced me, but I thought, since dayz is an alpha version, there would be much more to come in the future, I mean lets face it, if the standalone is out the mod will probably be dead, no way they will suddenly get rid of all the errors. 2. Everywhere I read about it, there was written "made by a former employee", well now he is an employee again, so don't tell me BI didn't use the mod to make some extra money through viral marketing, because then you're stupid. 3. I never said somebody owes me something, I always said it would just be a nice thing for BI to do. 4. I never wanted something for free, I wanted to trade my arma 2 for dayz standalone, because if the standalone is out and if the mod is outdated I don't need it anymore. 5. Dayz standalone won't use arma 3 engine, it will use a modified arma 2 engine. Arma 2,5 if you want. They could also just release an engine update for arma 2 customers and release the dayz standalone as another mod for these people. 6. It doesn't matter HOW much it will cost, only just because I have to pay anyways, that's why I'm considering to buy something else. 7. I said several times that you guys are thearetically right, but with the nature of the mod, and how the marketing got so much money in the pockets of BI, it would, as I said, just be a nice thing to do, to simply let us trade our arma 2 copies for dayz standalone. This community is so fucked, you can't have a reasonable discussion about anything, without people writing troll posts, and teaching you what you already know, over and over again. I was in this same situation with every discussion I started or was involved. I beginning to understand why everybody is shooting everybody else on sight, this community seems to consist of people that are pretty much just gleeful, and aren't interested in anyone, but themselves. With that said, I guess I will end this too. Don't even bother to quote me, I'm out. @James Ashwood Sorry that's not enough to offend me.
  2. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Congratulations you successfully manoeuvred around all my arguments .... again. Once again ... DayZ was created by a BI employee, maybe he wasn't employed by them when he released it, but he was before and he is now. Through viral marketing BI made a lot of money with the mod. I bet 75% of the dayz players have never started arma 2 without the mod. With all that I think it's like slap in the face to produce a standalone and charge for it again, because the mod will never have the same features. EDIT: And what people in this thread tend to forget, I don't want to have it for free at all, I want to trade it for my arma 2, because the day will come when I simply don't need it anymore, because the dayz mod is outdated. Yeah I know the developement will be continued, but honestly ... if the developement will be continued like it was recently were major bugs and horrible graphical glitches are really just ignored, then trust me, in the long run the mod doesn't have a future.
  3. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    lol I won't even talk about WarZ anymore. This thread is NOT about WarZ. I'm saying if BI ... - charges us for the standalone again. - probably leaves the mod, which was the reason for MANY people to buy arma 2 in the first place, in a half-broken state, how it is now, - and doesn't include all the new content from the standalone, into the mod, which is supposedly impossible anyways. There will be people that consider to buy an alternative game solution, people like me. And I'm NOT considering to buy another one to boycott something, but only because I have to pay anyways. I played DayZ ... It's not like it's an unbeatable super-game, but that's not even the reason. If they would actually give a fuck about their customers, they would just let us trade arma 2 for the standalone. But they smelled the money, didn't they. Ohhh yeah, the big money. I bought arma 2 because I though "Woah DayZ is only an alpha version, there still have to come some big things.". Well, ok maybe I should've informed myself about the standalone and shit, but then I would've waited for the standalone and probably just forgotten about anyways. NO, I gave them money for arma 2 to play the mod. All I say is they could at least offer a little "thanks" for the dayz-only-players, who aren't interested in arma 2 at all, and trade it for the dayz standalone. I can't see something wrong there. Btw. WarZ will cost only 15€ too, in the beginning. It has the same sell-model as dayz standalone, that's why I'm considering to buy it instead in the first place. So, ok, NOW I'm not talking about it anymore XD.
  4. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    This discussion has lost it's point almost completely again XD. CS:GO: Yes ok HERE you are right, it's an own game. BUT The predecessor is not a half-playable mod with lots of errors and problems. If we could just come back to the discussion again ... that would be cool. The comparisons you come up with just don't work here.
  5. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    -_-" And people tell ME it's hopeless talking to ME
  6. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Well, ok, I will make you happy. CS: I got CS 1.6 for free with Halflife I got CS:S for free with Halflife 2 WarZ: Well, you don't really know much about WarZ, ok ... What do you actually know about DayZ standalone? Where is the gameplay? Where are the screenshots? And once more, don't focus on WarZ, just call it an "alternative game solution", actually it doesn't even matter which game it is.
  7. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    There are no reasonable questions/statements to answer.
  8. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Well, EndlessNight, good morning, should we start all over again? May I repeat everything once more? Exactly my thoughts. It may be possible that Rocket wasn't an employee when Dayz was release, but he is back in the boat, if he was ever out. So instead double charging us they should at least give the little offer to just trade our arma 2 for the standalone, that's all I'm saying.
  9. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Guys, the thing is ... I can perfectly understand your arguments. Arma 2 and dayz standalone are different games, but with the nature of the mod ( like naizarak said ), BI made much profit with it. While I have to admit that you guys are theoretically right, I simply don't see the problem. Those people who enjoy arma 2, keep it and buy dayz standalone. Those people who just want dayz trade their arma 2 for dayz standalone. This way BI, would make a really nice offer for their customers and the community, everybody is happy. Otherwise the customers are considering to buy another product. I'm not saying they consider it because they don't get something for free, which they also have no right for, I'm saying they're considering it because they have to pay anyways. Simple as that, and if you think about it ... just a SECOND ... you know it's true.
  10. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Alright, my mistake. I forgot to mention also that again. As I said before: It's not about boycott, it's just that the design of the alternative game solution is even more appealing to me.
  11. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    I don't have any other reason. I'm actually repeating myself here. All I'm saying is the following: Many people bought arma 2 with only ONE reason, to play dayz. So it would be a nice thing to do for BI to let them trade their arma 2 for dayz standalone. Maybe the mod is continued ... but if I see the progress that has been made in the mod recently I doubt that there is much to come. If I have to buy the standalone to have a better gameplay experience without all the errors of the mod, and with new content, which probably will never be included in the mod, I might as well just buy an alternative game solution, which does cost 5€ more. That is all I'm saying ... why do you feel so offended by that? What's the problem?
  12. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    -_-" I'm not impressed by that assumption. The next thing that will probably happen is the He-Is-A-Noob-And-Got-PWND-Card I guess? And no I have never played War Inc, but If the engine is heavily modifiable there shouldn't be big problems. EDIT: But the reason for this discussion also isn't WarZ, it was just me who said he would consider buying it instead, I think it's kind of immature to bash it all the time, to try to provoke me .... or whatever. Just forget about WarZ and let's just call it "alternative game solution" from now on.
  13. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Well, with all the bugs and problems the dayz mod has, it's also mediocre. I don't hope for it, I'm really not, but there's still the possibility that the standalone will be just like that again. Just wanted to say ... I mean we don't really know much about it yet.
  14. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    This isn't about boycott at all. You just don't understand my point. You're right if you say I bought arma 2 and I have no right to just trade it for dayz standalone. But from my point of view I bought dayz. Even if BI would do this trade there would be money left they could just keep. I want to trade a 25€ game for 10€ game, are you serious? As I said it's not about boycott. It's just ... if I have to pay anyways ... I can just buy WarZ instead.
  15. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    There are so many things we have to get over in life, but it's worth fighting for each of them. I made my offer, and that's probably all I can do. It's not like I feel offended here or anything, nor do I want to offend anyone. Also I know that what I'm asking for is not the standard. But actually it's pretty simple: I want to trade my arma 2 for dayz standalone. If it's not going to happen I will consider buying WarZ instead. Of course I will then try to get my friends buy it too, because I don't want to play alone. That means they probably won't buy DayZ. I just want to make sure BI is aware of this, since I think many people, that are fine with some rpg elements, are considering the same. That's all.
  16. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    I know it because I'm just not interested in military shooters. I bought it to be able to play DayZ, because I like horror, I like zombies, I like the experience of DayZ. I'm just not interested in pure military shooters. Troll
  17. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    EXACTLY, and that's because I'm not even INTERESTED.
  18. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    I expect them to know my intention if I'm willing to get my arma 2 keys disabled for a free copy of dayz standalone. In my opinion that's a pretty obvious way to show my intentions of buying arma 2.
  19. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    I never bought one of those, because I know exactly that those games are SHIT. :D
  20. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    I bought Arma 2 Combined Operations for 25€, I believe I read that DayZ will cost 10€ in the beginning, so If they would do this trade for people like me they still would have 15€ per person, they don't have to pay back. That should be enough. WarZ will also cost only 15€ in the beginning. That's why I'm considering to buy WarZ instead, If I have to pay anyways ... I can pay 5€ more and have a game that is more appealing to me. That's all I'm saying, and I'm pretty sure you can understand that.
  21. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Yeah, well, you could see it like that. They got the money, they could work with the money, as a little "thank you" they could just replace the arma 2 copies with dayz standalone copies, for those people who want to make such a trade. While I can understand that this isn't the standard procedure in the game industry, I also can't see a problem with it. It's not like they are losing money ... if all those people would just stick with the mod instead of buying the standalone they wouldn't make much money either.
  22. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    You clearly don't think with the mind of a game developer, my friend. If I have to pay for the standalone, although I'm willing to get my arma 2 keys disable to get it free, because I have absolutely NO interest in standard arma 2, I will buy WarZ instead, since the game design of WarZ is much more appealing to me. IF I get WarZ instead I will tell my friends to get it too, so I can play with them, and that lowers the possibility for them to get DayZ, because they are pretty similar. I don't think that I'm the only one thinking that. So bohemia interactive should too.
  23. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    So? My offer stays the same: They give me the standalone and disable my Arma 2 and Arma 2 Arrowhead keys, or I will buy WarZ. Simple as that. I mean come on ... they don't have a disadvantage from that ... if I had waited for the standalone it would have been exactly the same.
  24. grasmann

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    I've to say, I got the same feeling about it. I only bought Arma 2 for DayZ, because I thought this would've more of a future as mod, and when I had bought it I found out they are working on a standalone game. I'm not interested in Arma 2 at all, I just wanted to play DayZ. I only started Arma 2 ONCE, because I believe for the mod to work you have to XD. I would even say bohemia interactive used DayZ to sell more game copies. You guys know viral marketing? How about this? If the standalone is released you give me a free copy and disable my Arma 2 key? That way I own the game I actually paid for, and you guys don't have to give me a free game, it's just a replacement. If I have to pay for the standalone once more, I guess I will just switch to WarZ. WarZ looks better anyways. Nobody knows for sure if the standalone will be better than the mod. EDIT: lol ... WarZ even has some rpg elements. Then it's settled, if I HAVE to pay, I pay for WarZ.