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Everything posted by grasmann

  1. Happened to us, too. We finally made it to the barracks, but we had horrible graphical issues in this location ... so we thought "Let's just restart the game and join another server." The game was stuck on "Loading" on different servers and finally we found another working server, just to find out we were back on the beach with all our stuff, my friend also kind of collapsed and had a hourglass. Oh ... and the world was burning. http://i.imgur.com/f5XXX.jpg My friend saw the same city from another angle and said that the whole city was burning. WTF?
  2. I thought about a way to balance the ratio between bandits and survivors without touching the gameplay too much. One thing is clear the bandits shouldn't have a direct disadvantage, but what about giving the survivors and actual advantage for their style of playing? My idea is the following: If a survivor, which actually never killed another player, dies, he/she can choose 3 items to keep after death. For example a weapon with too magazines of ammo. So a survivor that made it to the baracks and got a decent rifle and fitting ammo will always be able to respawn with this weapon unless he killed another player, but the bandit that killed him/her should still be able to loot this rifle. So the weapon would be doubled on death. This would make the life a little bit easier for niceguys, while bandits can continue playing their style. Just give survivors an easier start after death as long as they don't kill other people. If a survivor made it far enough in the game he/she can still decide to give up this advantage and defend themself against the next bandit. I guess hackers could also use this feature to their advantage, even if they are bandits, but we can't involve hackers in such discussion, seriously. What do you think about it?
  3. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    I haven't had much actual contact with other players ingame so far: 1. The mentioned story with ALT-F4 bomber 2. We surprised a sniper, shot him, but obviously he didn't die and could ALT-F4 out 3. A guy killed me and my friend without even paying attention to all the zombies around, which also attacked him, he absolutely focused on us, and probably ALT-F4ed out after that as well 4. Two encounters were both parties backed up slowly to prevent problems ( those were legit ) So to sum this up 60% of the people I met ingame so far were douchebags using poor tricks. I'm deeply sorry ... but if this is how you people play this game ... I'll just have to do the same. And this is my last post in this thread.
  4. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    Well ok ... I guess this discussion has lost it's point completely ... so lets just end it here. I understand that my suggestions are not welcome in this community ... so I will just try so survive with all possible tricks.
  5. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    It isn't legit at all ... I'm not saying that ... but if every attempt to balance something is denied Then I have to take action and use the same tricks to survive, am I right?
  6. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    This was what happened the last time I died: I posted this here also: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67020-what-did-you-expect/ And I just have to say ... this is ridiculous ... and if stuff like this is happening to me because everybody thinks he has to kill everybody ... and then even with such poor tricks ... I will simply react to this and ALT-F4 out everytime something bad happens ... end of story
  7. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    This is actually a pretty good idea.
  8. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    I think I will just play on emtpy servers with my buddy ... and if I hear any gunfire around me I will just ALT-F4 out and go on another empty server Seems to be the best solution right now
  9. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    Well, since I'm playing dayz ... I have to admit .... I'm even more disappointed in humanity than before XD lol I always thought it was just big companies and the politics that fuck up real life ... but the people are actually just the same ... lol :rolleyes: Welp, I made my suggestion and that's pretty much it
  10. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    I just have the feeling that nearly everybody is a bandit ... so I have the feeling something has to be done about it. Maybe I was just on the wrong servers ...
  11. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    I think you don't understand survivors at all. It's not like they are too stupid to survive ... it's just that they don't want to shoot everybody on sight. They want to team up with a stranger here and there. They want to have a nice time playing WITH some other people not AGAINST everybody.
  12. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    Well, ok ... I understand your concerns ... so what do you think about the idea without the double effect? My main idea is that a survivor can keep some items, as a niceguy bonus. EDIT: I edited the first post. EDIT2: That's exactly the point ... I DON'T want to punish banditry I want to encourage more people to be survivors.
  13. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    Well, ok practically you could help a survivor reach the baracks and as soon as he/she has a rifle you just kill him to double the rifle. But you can't carry many weapons in this game ... so I guess it wouldn't be such a problem at all.
  14. grasmann

    "Balancing" Survivors and Bandits

    Mind if I just ignore your trolling sir?
  15. grasmann

    What did you expect?

    Well, I don't have a problem with badits at all. But since the game/mod is in such an incomplete state there are some possibilities to really piss people off. When I played earlier this day a sniper surprised us ... he shot me, which broke my leg and continued shooting, tried to kill me, but I could crawl to safety in time. I played with a friend when that happened. So we both were in safety and quickly healed my injuries and tried to find the bastard. It was awesome ... we sneaked through the city filled with zombies ... tried to avoid them and find the sniper on hill at the same time. It was a really intense situation, and it was fun. Then we were in a house in that city and searched for ammo, when another survivor came in, followed by two zombies. He made something, it looked like he wanted to drop something or whatever, it didn't matter. Since he didn't shoot us on sight we tried to kill the zombies that were after him. And suddenly everything exploded. Apparently he planted a bomb and blew it without even getting killed himself, or he planted it and ALT-F4ed out or pressed Abort. So we both died ... he didn't die ... and we even tried to help him. As I said ... I don't have a problem with bandits ... but such poor tricks are just a NO-GO. You might say he trolled us, well I didn't even know one could plant bombs in this mod. Right now I would just say this guy had SUCH a small penis, he doesn't even deserve to live anymore. Just to make this clear: If anyone would ask me today if he should buy ArmA2, to be able to play this mod, I would just say "No, there are better games.".
  16. Yes we're kicked as well, I guess it's really everybody. Apparently it's Battleye again. Funny thing is, obviously there was a similar problem recently, were people got falsely banned: Source: http://www.battleye.com/ lololol