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Everything posted by grasmann

  1. grasmann

    Buff up PvE

    For a matter of fact: I like the Resident Evil games. But to be fair here ... long limbs are more fitting for DayZ than anything that appears in RE, apart from the normal zombies. I'm not asking to include a Nemesis, which is hunting you with a rocket launcher XD, or 50m high fat creatures with tentacles. I just think it would be a nice diversion to have something that really scares the people instead of just "normal zombies". Long limbs and stuff like that, seem fitting to me, it's scary, it's different, but still not too exaggerated IMO. Apart from that my real favorite horror games are the Silent Hill games, but the monster from those really don't fit XD.
  2. grasmann

    Buff up PvE

    Mh ... I don't know. I think such long limbs are pretty horrifying XD. But the thought was another one: If the zombie just sits there, in high grass, you probably won't see the legs, and when it suddenly stands up you think "Oh fuck". And because of the long legs it could have a pretty fast movement, while the animation would still be kind of slow. For every 10 steps you do to escape it, it just does 1 step and keeps up with you. I would consider that pretty scary, if I would encounter such a creature in real life XD. Also the walk animation would look very uncommon, because of the limbs that are bent backwards. Everything that looks uncommon is naturally scary. EDIT: Tell me an actually living creature like that wouldn't be scary XD. lol
  3. grasmann


    lol ... I also thought I could harvest the pumpkins. Those are some good ideas, although they remind me too much of minecraft XD. But that doesn't mean they are bad. I would like it to have the possibility to take over a city, clean it from zombies and barricade every entrance, to keep it clean. This city could then become a no-pvp area ( maybe a server setting set by the administrator ). Once in a while there could be zombie raids, where you will have to defend the city against a big "army" of zombies. So there would still be the chance to lose the whole city to the zombies again. However the date and time of such a raid would have to be know to the players, so they can go online to defend the city. Maybe in form of some notes on walls saying "Scouts have discovered a big group of infected heading our way. According to the scouts they should arrive the city on ####". In this cities it would make perfect sense to raise and herd some animals. The raids of such a city could take place once a week or even more often ( maybe another server setting ). That would be really badass.
  4. grasmann

    Buff up PvE

    I like that idea as well. Although there are zombies running around, dayz is pretty realistic. What I would like to see are some zombies, which are very very rare, that just make you think "WTF is going on?". Maybe some really disturbing "creatures", with legs 3m long or something like that XD. Heavily mutated. Just imagine it with this very example: You sneak through a city. You go around a corner and there's a zombies, it looks like he is sitting there ... you try to sneak by. Suddenly the zombie stands up and has legs of a grotesque length, which you couldn't see before, because it was sitting in the grass and the legs were bent to the back of the creature. To give you a better idea of how this could look I drew a picture really fast: Once again ... such special grotesque creatures should be very rare, but I bet this would scare the shit out of many players when they don't expect it XD.
  5. grasmann

    A new reason to play

    I think it would be cool to add big buildings that you can enter as a group. These buildings should be instances, so nobody else can be encountered in there, except zombies. This could be a great way to implement some story-driven coop missions. Also nobody would be forced to do it, if you don't like it, don't do it.
  6. Melee weapons The player should be able to use a hatchet without dropping the primary weapon first. The player should be able to hit with the stock of the primary weapon, which should do less damage than the hatchet.
  7. Flashlight The player should be able to use a flashlight without dropping the secondary weapon first. The player should be able to use the flashlight and the secondary weapon simultaneously, maybe with a lowered accuracy when shooting.
  8. grasmann

    A new reason to play

    I played like 1-2 weeks ... and it's boring to me already. Dayz definitely needs some more story. The world is way to big to just let people shoot each other. Well, ok you got the cities, which are kind of hotspots, were players encounter each other, but with the complete lack of a story or goal, besides surviving, dayz gets boring pretty fast. There is no emotional attachement to the own character or any other player, except you know the person in real life. There are no npcs, which already takes away a lot of atmosphere. I guess that's even one of the reasons for the banditry. People just don't care for anything or anyone, because in the end all you can do is shooting other people anyways. BORING.
  9. I was playing dayz for something like 1-2 weeks now and just thought I should post a complete feedback about the current state. Sorry because of the thread title, but I didn't want to make a different thread for each of the points I'm addressing. I was thinking about putting this into the bug reports sub forum ... but I had the feeling that the suggestions overweight the bug reports, so I put it here. Graphic - graphical glitches with different useless objects like dead bodies, body bags, ... These should be fixed as soon as possible in my opinion. If nothing else is working just remove the useless stuff from the map untill there is a better solution. Bandits are actually using those graphical issues to their advantage. Zombies - zombies running at you from 200m distance if you are in prone and barely visible This is just stupid. If you want to sneak into a city it's just unpredictable no matter how careful you are. To be honest at some point I started to just run through cities and relog inside of a house to get rid of all the zombies I attracted. This is not my favorited playstyle ... as I think it's pretty lame, but as soon as a zombie is running at me, although I was extremely careful, I have to do it anyways. - zombies walking through walls and closed doors Since this is still an alpha version I can understand that there are some problems with pathfinding and AI ... but seriously ... there is nothing more simple than a zombie ai. - zombies seem buggy very often I don't know if it's lag or just buggy, but very often the zombies feel kind of buggy. They sometimes start running in a completely different direction when they spotted you, which often leads to the assumption that another player must have attracted them. Some zombies sometimes can't be hit very well, as if they were rendered on a different location as they really are, although I have a ping of 25 or something, especially when using an axe. Also the mod misses some kind of hit-feedback for both melee and guns. I think when hit by a projectile even zombies should stop for a short time or they should be knocked back a tiny bit. They are zombies ... not supermans. Well, ok most guns kill them with one shot anyways, but if many of them are running at you you stop aiming for the head, then it would be nice to actually see some effect of your bullets. Player movement - gettings stuck in doors when in prone or sneaking in general I like the player movement in dayz/arma 2, but often enough I had real problems getting into a house when I was chased by zombies because I was simply stuck somehow. Pretty annoying. Inventory - The mod needs a way better inventory It's the year 2012 ... where is the drag and drop? Why can't I see how much space is in my backpack? I can only see it if I want to pick up an item from the ground. Why isn't the backpack invenory just displayed next to the basic inventory anyways? Community fails - duping - server-hacks Well this speaks for itself. No further comment. - Server hopping I recently played on different servers with a privat database and I think every server should have one. I also saw topics about secound characters. Well, if every server would have an own database these people could just have a different character for each server ... problem solved. I guess everybody is aware of the problem with server hopping and systematically looting military camps until you have the gear you want. Flashlight - The mod needs a way better flashlight handling You desperately want to survive this apocalypse but you cant hold a pistol and a flashlight at the same time? I like it that the nights are that realistic ... and really dark ... but why do I have to be such an idiot in the game and can't even hold a flashlight straight if I run? The player has to be able to use a flashlight without dropping the pistol first ... SERIOUSLY. - headlamp for nvg-slot I have seen other people suggesting a headlamp for the equipment slot were nvg and stuff is equipped. I really like this idea, although I still think the flashlights should be improved. Melee weapons - The mod needs a way better handling for melee weapons You can carry an axe if you have an AK47, but you can't switch to your axe without dropping the AK first. You can holster your secoundary weapon, as seen if you switch to your primary weapon. You can holster your primary weapon, as seen if you switch to your secoundary weapon. But you can't just holster both to use the axe? I mean ... what's the matter? He is carrying it anyways. XD - Hit with the rifle I'm in the middle of a city, and I attracted a single zombie. What do I do? Should I run? Pretty noisy ... I will probably attract more zombies. Should I shoot? Are you crazy? Why not just hit the freak with the stock of my rifle? I think that should be possible! It would even open more possibilities here: If you perform a melee attack with your rifle while a secound zombie is attacking you there could be a chance of a certain percentage that you accidently pull the trigger and set off a shot in whatever direction your rifle is currently pointing to, possibly hitting a friend, zombie or nothing. Server versions - There are thousands of servers using dozens of different version and/or different dayz version and beta version combinations Actually I'm fine with this, but what bugs me is the error that occurs if you want to join a server and the game is freezing on "Loading". You have no other possibility as to shut down the game via task manager. And the mentioned error is porting you back to the coast with all your items. It takes incredibly long to walk to far away locations, and I don't even speak of night-travels. These are the points that just ruin the mod almost completely. For christ's sake, stop the development of dog addons and stuff like that, and fix the mod first, or you won't have any interested customers for the standalone anymore.
  10. - For the beginning it would be perfectly fine if all the weapons would just use the same animation I guess. - I don't think it takes away the concept of suppressors. The stock of a rifle is no axe ... it could take 2-3 hits for the zombie to finally die, so it would still be very attractive to be able to just shoot them.
  11. I added some things suggested by friends of mine. I also was inspired by different other threads in the forum.
  12. grasmann

    How about a Kill Cam?

    How about taking improvement suggestions even a BIT serious? -_-" It's possible that he got this idea spontaneously and didn't think it through ... but what I learned so far is that in this community there are no serious discussions about suggestions. There are most likely just a bunch of idiots posting "No".
  13. grasmann

    How about a Kill Cam?

    Maybe I'm wrong but I guess the main information op would like to have about his killer is: 1. The name of the killer 2. The weapon used ( if not determined by sound ) 3. Maybe the clothes If we reduce it to these three informations I would be perfectly fine with it. It doesn't neccessarily have to be a killcam ... just print a line of text saying: You were killed by name, wearing clothes, using a weapon Server admins, however, should of course be able to switch this off. Maybe even parts of it ... so there is only the name shown.
  14. grasmann

    Graphic Issue

    It's also happening for everybody I know is playing dayz. Pretty annoying. - Dead Bodies - Body bags - Other useless stuff If this doesn't get fixed I won't even consider to buy any standalone version and just switch to warz as it seems to be the better game anyways. I know it's still an alpha version, although they are working on a standalone game already, but honestly ... I have no faith in this standalone project anymore. It feels like a rip-off, overload the mod with issues and tell them the standalone will fix it all, make some money with arma 2, and then even more with the standalone game. Right now this mod is like a rotten piece of meat, even worse than the elder scrolls and fallout games, which are some of my favorite games. As long as the atmosphere of a game is really good I can turn a blind eye on some issues, even some critical ones. But ... somewhere there's a line that I don't want to cross when it comes to that.
  15. Some people have graphical problems, which are apparently caused by body bags and dead soldiers. But honestly ... the graphical glitches aren't as bad as everybody says. I just took some pics from my game just to show you that you can easily see everything Pic #1 Well, you see? The three zombies walking in my direction can easily be seen. Even the sniper on the roof of the house can be seen. EASY Pic #2 This one is even better. Same location as on the first pic, but from another angle. And still the sniper is visible, as much as the zombies. So, I really don't know what your problem is. The graphical issues are a peace of cake. But ... MAYBE ... it should be considered to fix them anyways.
  16. Ah yeah ... I see what you mean. Try increasing the viewrange ... it's always better if you can see very far. :D
  17. Originally posted here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75880-the-graphical-glitches-arent-that-bad/#entry720454
  18. Yeah in the meantime I was told this is a server setting XD. I just happened to see it for the first time when I tested the -winxp parameter. Back2Topic: I still can't tell it for sure, but it seems like -winxp fixes the graphical issues.
  19. grasmann

    There is a built-in wallhack

    Well, I can tell you following: I played on maybe 2-3 different "[No PVP]" servers recently, there really aren't much of them. I can't tell for sure ... but I think I played on this one before ( I mean this evening ). But I haven't noticed these dots before, they started to appear as soon as I played with -winxp. But I will check it out on another server now.
  20. grasmann

    There is a built-in wallhack

    So it can be fixed as soon as possible? Or do want to use it a bit longer? EDIT: Ok ... but why does it only work with directx9? lol?
  21. I just tried the -winxp start parameter and it really seems to fix the issue. Well, but I also restarted the game ... so it could happen in a different location again .... but the area where the pics above where taken is rendered correctly now. The -winxp parameter forces the game to use directx9. EDIT: Funny thing is ... the winxp mode provides a built-in wallhack. Every zombie and player has a small grey circle attached and you can see these circles through all walls. LOOOOOOOOOOL PIC: I let it on full size this time ... so you can see them. Also some others models like barrels have those circles ... but the cool thing is they even show you the distance of the object/zombie/player. The bigger the circles the closer ou are. I can't really believe that .... lol. EDIT2: I bet many bandits are playing with that all the time, while they are pretending they are just better at the game -_-". Accidently experienced this "server setting" for the first time. XD
  22. Isn't there any possibility to fix these graphical enhancements? I tried every possible graphic option, but the issues stay no matter what settings. Can't we just remove the 3d models that cause it? XD
  23. This happens to me and my friend a lot, too. We're playing dayz ver. and Arma2 beta 95948 ... and we ALWAYS connect to servers that say this specific versions "( / 95948)" .... so I'm pretty sure the problem isn't on our end. Verify the steam cache? I guess that doesn't matter at all. If it's the right version you should be able to connect no matter what. I think it's just an error that happens on a sporadic base. The odd thing is ... apparently you won't always be ported back to the beach. If I remember right I had the game freeze more often than I was ported around. Once I was just ported some km away, but not all the way back. I guess it has something to do with standard positions on loading. Did you ever see a zombie spawn right in front of you? Then it transformed to another zombie and was gone? I'm assuming that somehow the character is positioned on a standard spawn point on loading and then the position is updated to the one saved with your character, which is unnecessary. So with the next update of dayz this should be fixed to port you directly to the saved position and everything is fine.
  24. Well, I'm probably done for today ... not the best advertisement for a standalone version ...