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Everything posted by ChaoticBananna

  1. ChaoticBananna

    More Ammo Conversion!

    Have more ammo conversion like the .45 ACP and M1911.
  2. I need people to form a clan with or an easygoing clan to join. I'm 13 and if that a problem take it up with your deity of choosing. I can take jokes and dish them out . I can play any role, though I like to play as a medic.(I'm not a very good shot on the run!) If you want to form a clan with me please be serious about it and we can be co-leaders. And when you ask or PM me please tell me your playstyle and play hours/times per week.
  3. ChaoticBananna

    Advanced Building

    Being able to restore things like walls, gates, doors and maybe even power and production in factories.
  4. ChaoticBananna

    I need a clan to join or people to form one with!

    Thanks I registered!
  5. ChaoticBananna

    I need a clan to join or people to form one with!

    Posted it there because I want both/either bandits and survivors -.- We need an area for groups! So this doesn't happen anymore.
  6. ChaoticBananna


    A crossbow quiver that goes into your secondary weapon slot. And maybe a compound bow too with convertible bolts to arrows sort of like the .45 ACP and the M1911.
  7. ChaoticBananna


    Maybe a quiver instead of a backpack and increase the power, decrease the reload time and add a scope to the crossbow to make It worth it.
  8. I'm looking for a group of young people that play on CST. I don't care how many people and I don't care if you're just one person, let's join up!
  9. ChaoticBananna

    Beating Bandits

    Use this to share ways to avoid and best bandits.
  10. ChaoticBananna

    Hunting Knife as a Weapon

    Use the same mechanic as the hatchet switch it from the toolbelt to the main weapon slot. Have it do not much damage maybe, oh, 350 something blood?
  11. ChaoticBananna

    Hunting Knife as a Weapon

    First of wow, it's not like I asked to have a swordplay implement it would be so you at least have something to use until you find a handgun and primary.
  12. ChaoticBananna

    We want a Bandit Bandana instead of towel

    I want a fucking balaclava shut up about all this "maturity" bull and use this forum for constructive ideas! Take your little cat fight to the Off-Topic part. And Hwk I'm not yelling at you because you fight the mature fight.
  13. ChaoticBananna

    character customization

    You play too much APB! Lol me too xD
  14. ChaoticBananna

    What kind of traps can you think of?

    I think a sandbox system would be cool. Tripwire can connect to X (a grenade ) then what part of X (pin or the entire grenade ) and have things like fasten to and hide under commands
  15. If it wasn't player controlled, it would be awesome to one day, weeks after dying and acquiring a sniper rifle, looking through the scope, you see a zombie like version of yourself, look directly at you.....
  16. ChaoticBananna

    DayZ Stand alone ideas / suggestions

    #3 is touchy as what if you logout and a bandit comes around the corner (neither one of them saw each other) and you got killed maybe 5 sec could still bleed out and die and zed would maul you.And if you fall unconscious during the 5 seconds or whatever the clock resets from when you "wake up"?
  17. ChaoticBananna


    Thanks MOTOCROSS :) I didn't think of the pile of wood because a bolt is metal you could salvage the head and maybe the feathers (maybe if he adds birds you could collect feathers) and extend the shaft because a bolts shorter..... :)
  18. ChaoticBananna

    Best Cities, Payoff Wise

    I've been looking around and it seems like certain cities are better to camp and certain cities are better to just loot and move on. I think Zelenogorsk is good resource wise but not player wise. I need help finding the perfect city.
  19. ChaoticBananna

    Beating Bandits

    Okay now I know what not to do as a bandit mwahahaha!
  20. If there are any groups recruiting that won't be assholes about age can I please join!
  21. ChaoticBananna

    Teen looking for non-assholes about age!

    That's the problem. If I could find one I wouldn't have to be hated upon by older people who think its funny. I play the game the same way you do and I don't have to get my kicks from making fun of people who can't help it. You ( not you plaguetounge (: ) are supposed to be the mature one.
  22. ChaoticBananna

    Teen looking for non-assholes about age!

    And why is that Mr.Khaos?
  23. ChaoticBananna

    Beating Bandits

    If you read at the top of the Bandit Campfire, it says "and how to avoid them"
  24. ChaoticBananna

    Teen looking for non-assholes about age!

    Why does that make me hard to take seriously?
  25. Age:13 Country of Residence:USA Playing Since:July 7 Weapon/Role:DMR/Sniper, MP5A5/Medic Steam/Skype:ChaoticBananna I don't have Teamspeak but am getting it at the moment.