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Posts posted by Troidin

  1. I was exiting the tower at Balota airfield today when my char of a few days was killed, (after finding a good gun and ammo to use it). Had a map, compass, watch, blood packs, food. drinks, and a ton of other stuff. I was shot and killed with no warning. When this happened I was extremely angry at the player that did this, but then I realized that I wasn't taking the right precautions and it was basically my fault. Moral of the story: unless you are in the complete wrong place, at the complete wrong time, you are asking to be shot, especially if you are running around Cherno aggroing zombies. You are not a bad person, you just came out on top this time.

  2. I think zombie attacks should have a 25% chance of infecting you. 3 out of 4 zombie attacks, the player will be alright but there is a chance that they will turn you. I think this would be a good system because if a player is attacked by a zombie, they will show signs of infection, (that they only can see, visual effects, performance effects, temperature), but will be hesitant to inform other players because they may just kill him, even though there is a chance of survival.

  3. Basically, if the game freezes logging in and you alt-f4 or close the game on the loading screen, you will spawn at the coast. Not sure if this is an anti-cheat measure or just because the game can't validate your location. As this guy ^^^ said, look it up, there are work arounds.

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  4. The problem with the spawn glitch is that ever since the new update popped up for DayZ, everyone has been getting this spawn glitch because of the force quit problem. Whenever someone is stuck on the loading screen they usually Alt-F4 the application. Because of this problem everyone has now been spawning on the coast. I have been playing for two days for and I haven't been spawning on the coast and I haven't even Alt-F4'd it. If you do get stuck on the loading screen press the Alt-tab button to hide the application and open another dayz program. Once you have done this and entered the game close the one that is frozen.

    Hope this works :) Beans?

    Thanks dude, I had a problem with an artifact so I had to leave servers and then the next server I tried to go to froze, good to know there's a solution though.
