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Nick Larking

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Everything posted by Nick Larking

  1. Nick Larking

    Best gaming headset

    Logitech g930 wireless, and one of the few headsets that are actually confortable for long periods of time.. Logitech g930 is still good/great quality and its affordable, if you wanna spend like 200bucks im sure you could find a newer one with slightly better quality of sound. Personally i don't think you can go wrong with logitech g930.
  2. Nick Larking

    How did your most recent character die?

    I wonder how many people that voted sniper in reality got insta killed by a headshot or just by someone they didnt see. (im sure most of those got killed by a sniper but im also sure a large percentage either lied or dont know that they didnt get killed by a sniper)
  3. Nick Larking


    It still shoots with pinpoint accuracy up to 300m. It certainly aint terrible for shooting with it
  4. Nick Larking

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    Longest sniper kill is with the L115A3, ammo 338 lapua magnum at a range of 2475m 2nd and 3rd are with mc millin tac 50, ammo .50bmg at a range of 2430m and 2310m .50calls are just as portable in a backpack as other sniper rifles or assault rifles for that matter. Technicly they dont fit in it but there are ways or special backpacks that make them able to fit on it. considering .50calls are only slightly larger in lenght (20cm difference orso) thats not very suprising, they just weight 10 to 15kg instead of 5kg making them quite abit heavier but far from impossible to carry on your back.
  5. Nick Larking

    ghillie suit spawn locations

    Yes, but those citys are the only one with multiple high value residental buildings (restaurants) close to eachother. In cherno you got like 5 in almost a circle type of shape that you can walk through. Once you searched all 5of those you can hop to a different server and do it again, after about 5servers you should have a ghillie suit or camo. In elektro there are less of those high value residental areas but there is a store and 2high valued residental buildings right next to eachother, might be better for those with a lack of directional feelings.
  6. Nick Larking

    Switching packs with dead players?

    I have different question which either involves a glitch very possible, or an exploit used by the other player i killed. I dropped my backpack (alice) on the floor, picked up his backpack (coyote) which has l85aw and as50 in it, looted some of his other stuff on corpse (rangefinder, GPS, NV goggles). My skin switches to bandit, and my coyte pack (i was wearing it) changes back to an alice pack but i still kept the 2weapons that were inside (4junk in it got removed). All other stuff is still in my invent and old backpack still on ground. 5mins later i change back to survivor (humanity raised because of time?) and i revert back to that skin and still got the alice pack so nothing weird happens there. So did the coyote backpack disapear and turn into alice from a glitch involving skin change or did i kill a player who abused a exploit/hack. Im personally leaning heavely towards glitch and if thats the case can someone explain how you can avoid it best. (not really hijack as it still involves the same topic discussion and i didnt think it really required a seperate one)
  7. Nick Larking

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    Im kinda curious if this was a weird glitch or I killed a cheater. I see 2people and i shoot both. 1disapears completely (might have logged) the other drops down on the floor after 5orso bullets (has cammo but no ultra great weapon). I dont get any murder on debug monitor but my skin changes to bandit. He was wearing the best backpack so i drop my current one loot his, loot some other stuff he had on him and moved on. 5mins later i get some kind weird issue that looks like im spawning ontop of water and i automaticly pull out my pistol. I then revert back to my normal location and my new backpack disapears and i end up with my old backpack (might still have the new items in it didnt pay that much attention to it). My bandit skin got also removed and humanity set to 0. Is this because i didnt completely kill him and while he was KO and i looted his shit he switched server and when he logged in a new server his backpack reverted back to his body? I still kept most/all of the items i looted from him in my main inventory. Didnt think this was worth a new topic so just decided to put it here.