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About Carnes

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Gave it a shot and the ban is gone! wooo! No response from anyone though.. just lifted the ban. Maybe it was just long enough to recover gear? Would you guys move to a different server? Like Steak and Potatoes private one? EDIT: Oh god! http://i.imgur.com/yd1nt.jpg
  2. b...bu..but it's daaarrk. Seriously though, had just logged on at the camp and didn't have time to break out the chemlights yet. Blue is the best : ) Yeah, they were probably pretty pissed. But it was fair play. The server is US 1785 hosted by 28th ID. I'm sure that it's not normal for them to ban someone like this. They must have thought i was cheating or something. Their page says they take the game seriously.
  3. It's public so i didn't expect this at all. I found their steam group.. going to try opening up a line of communication
  4. Was just banned from 28th ID ( because i shot down the same helicopter that killed me yesterday. Admin abuse!? I was so excited to hear that thing flying over my camp. Grabbed my m107 as they were coming around to hover.. *pow* through the windshield.. pilot died and down it went. Hits the ground and two others died. My chest was pounding.. REVENGE! I was killed yesterday by the heli while in NWAF. I heard the heli and jumped back onto my bicycle to get away. Didn't matter, heli flattened my tires then got me : / Also! All my equipment is legit, found them in heli wrecks between NWAF and Stary. My camp is near Stary and i raid it every time i play. I have the hero skin because i never shoot at someone unless they are a bandit or shoot at me first (i die often because of it too). Here is a picture of the banning shortly after the crash, I was just turning away from the wreck: http://i.imgur.com/3B2yT.jpg Is there a way i can get unbanned? My precious hoard of loot is there : / I'm not a douche and i deserved the right to kill that heli. Shoot at me and i'll shoot back.. that's fair. Hell, i was going to drop my gear off and head down to the beach for a chat with them, lol (as in talk, not shoot. I don't shoot unarmed survivors, even bandits).
  5. Just aborted after being teleported to a helicopter. I was just northwest of Cherno and i kept hearing explosions south of the city. So i headed NE to get away from that mess. I could hear a vehicle (never seen one before) and a helicopter was flying overhead. Very cool, until i could hear the engine sound winding down and it crash landed 100m from me in a small field. I couldn't find anybody in or near the wreck so i headed NE again. Then i teleported just underneith a helicopter taking off. There was atleast one other person there who made a broken leg sound when he appeared. I aborted immediately. Didn't want to lose my precious L85, lol. Also, battleeye kept disconnecting people saying that i couldn't connect to them. This happened to me once as i was joining. I figured it was a random glitch and rejoined. I saw atleast a dozen people disconnected with that message during gameplay. EDIT: this was on (US 1455) at 9:43 EST.