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Everything posted by Ryan/Ryio310

  1. Ryan/Ryio310

    Very high damage?

    An AS50 with NATO rounds can do up to I think around 175,000 damage. So it is possible. And it has a range of 800-1600 meters. That's why you and your friends didn't hear it.
  2. Ryan/Ryio310

    Stabbing people with the hunting knife

    Err.... Ok... Go for it. <_<
  3. Last time I listened to music. I didn't realize that I was getting shot at. Until a .50 cal bullet tore me in half.
  4. Ryan/Ryio310


    Nothing can really be done. He may not have gotten the files during the download. I really wish people couldn't do this though... :(
  5. Ryan/Ryio310

    Died with 4k Blood???

    Lol, You said it perfectly.
  6. Ryan/Ryio310

    M24 or DMR?

    Big if buddy. Nearly everyone Alt F4's.
  7. It didn't wear out for me. I had one of my friends kill me. I also heard that the next server restart fixes it.
  8. Ryan/Ryio310

    Trail of Cans.

    I was thinking that they should make it so the food/drink turn into empty tin cans, in your bag. So the player can choose to cover up his/her tracks.
  9. Ryan/Ryio310

    Dropped from sky with best gear

    I saw on some video. A guy jumped out of a heli, his parachute popped. But It killed him about mid jump. Hope i'm not too late to answer Fungoy's "question".