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Everything posted by AFoo

  1. AFoo

    How to update to

    I had a problem too, until i installed DayZ Commander.
  2. So I just got this mod for Arma II and have played for a couple hours over 2 days. I have died more times than I have killed zombies.. (currently at 1 zombie kill, in which that zombie killed me) I have found a few guns but never had ammo for those guns. Things I have learned in my short time frame. 1. Other players are ***holes. => Died to other players more than zombies, and i have never had a weapon on me. 2. Weapons are harder to find than youtube videos show. => Videos show people starting with pistols or finding good weapons with ammo around that match that weapon, i have yet to find this situation. I have found some decent weapons and some ammo for decent weapons but they were guarded by ZEDS and I was killed by time i got to them. 3. If you are being chased, you can run to a bush/shrub and lay prone in it. => Whenever I am being chased if I run to a shrub and lay down with part of my body in it, the Zeds will walk up to me and walk off like I went invisible. 4. While learning the ropes, stay out of bigger towns. => Bigger towns mean more Zeds and More of those ***hole players. 5. Zeds CAN swim. => being chased? Swimming may not be the best choice. I am still learning a lot from this game and have yet to find anything other than a crowbar to attack back with, still looking for tricks and tips to survive a little. I am enjoying the realism effects of the game (Hunger, Thirst, Bleeding, ect.) Questions I have? 1. Where do I or How Do I, Get a map? 2. Wtf am I suppose to do with all these empty cans 3. What am I doing wrong that I can not find any weapons and ammo to defend myself? Thanks for taking the time to read.
  3. I am from the United States. I actually do not play a lot as I have 4 week old daughter that is limiting. But i play when i can.
  4. Well I am pretty new, would welcome someone to run around with. Just depends on if we are on at the same time.
  5. You have my beans sir, Thank you
  6. Yea I believe that is the way i am going to be. Not killing people unless i see the Bandit tag ... I need to learn how to use voice in game too.
  7. AFoo

    New bandit skin?

    Shaco go back to league of legends! :D haha My league name is AFoo
  8. I didn't read every comment as the website is running pretty slow. But i "JUST" started this game 2 days ago and have 3 total hours playing. I "DO NOT" agree with original post. The reason: I can see starting with a "Gun" being easily exploited by both the respawners and even by campers. 1 exploit could be spawning, and meeting with friends to drop ammo and gun to give group unlimit ammo and weapons. Another exploit could be camping the shore line killing everyone to take their pistol ... Now i could see them implementing something like a new weapon, maybe a "wood plank" that has 1000 durability, Doesn't last forever but gives you some way of killing 1 zombie who comes at you ...
  9. AFoo

    What is Humanity?

    Humanity just seems to be a point system that give you an idea of how you are progressing in the world. Going to far down gives others a way to know you are a person who frequently kills others and to not be trusted at all. I would like to see a change that if you kill a bandit or a player who has recently killed (within 10 minutes) another player you should lose less humanity or be immune even due to "avenging" friends or performing a public duty.
  10. AFoo


    Yea I wish people would at least wait till i got a weapon before killing me. NOPE rules are "SHOOT ON SITE"
  11. I found that you can throw cans ( mistakenly did it ) could i use the can to distract zeds? just wondering
  12. Thanks for the reply, I am still trying to learn my way around, i have yet to leave the coast to be honest. I have dual monitor setup, and considering opening an online map to use as a reference. Good idea?
  13. I "just" finished downloading arma II and Arma II OA, then I downloaded the torrent files from here (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67383-hotfix-build-1725-rolling-update/). Followed this video to install and copy files to right directory. I am able to launch the DayZ mod for arma and get to to the Server browser. I search for their game and find it with a RED X.Currently is shows Version = 1.62 and has Required Version: 1.62.95824 in RED and will not let me join ... Would appreciate any assistance to get this working. Thank you in advance for anything.