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About Smiddey

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Smiddey

    Repairing vehicles

    Only vehicles that look drivable are, they might have a wheel missing or a window smashed or something which you will have to find parts for and repair yourself
  2. Smiddey

    Zombie editor faction

    bump `123456
  3. I was playing around in the editor and i thought about making a zombie mission using the DayZ zombies. However i could not find where the zombies were located in the editor so i have some questions 1. where are the zombies located in the editor 2. will they work like they do in normal Dayz servers thanks
  4. Not really, i think its just because when ever someone gets a car, they take lots of pictures of it because they have tried for a long time to get it working to get it. I myself have never even seen a car, not even a broken one that needs fixing
  5. Smiddey

    Why dont Americans use American servers?

    I usually play on whatever server has space, which usually isnt the EU ones (I'm from UK) which is what leads me to play on US servers sometimes
  6. Smiddey

    Introduce yourselves

    Smiddey here and in game Some of you may recognize me from PR:BF2
  7. firestation in electro is usually full of nice assault rifles and SMGs, shame there barely any ammo for them if your looking for a map theres a few in the church in electro too (sometimes)
  8. Smiddey

    ACRE Support

    Was actually thinking about something like this last night, would be interesting. However long range radios would have to be very rare and short range radios not very popular, maybe can only be found in city's and apartment buildings