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Everything posted by Mbr697

  1. I keep getting script rescriction #41 wth is this?
  2. How do i fix this, i cant play DayZ, its getting annoying! "This Game Is Currently Unavailable (Application Running)"
  3. Mbr697

    DayZCommander is stuck.

    Are you running as admin? Idk if help but did for me, goodluck :P
  4. Mbr697

    Stuck - Cannot play

    Where are you at? I can do a favor ;D
  5. Out of no where this started popping up after starting up OA?! What is the cure to this, does anyone know? (;
  6. If I change my skin to a black guy with camo on his face, can i possibly get banned? I don't see whats wrong with it..... If someone can answer that would be great ;D
  7. Mbr697

    Can i Get Banned For This?

    yes that too i have a jason mask from tht one haha
  8. Hey everybody, while I was playing DayZ, I killed some guy at the barracks, and there was some soldier clothing in his backpack, and I know that you can only hack to get that, I put it on, so can i get banned by wearing it, because I didn't hack or anything
  9. Mbr697

    Soldier clothing?

    I still have my camo clothing i had on, but soldier is so much cooler lol
  10. Okay, so I think i updated to on six launcher, but ofcourse it says im still on, even though it says that, can i still join servers?! Thanks for checking this out! - Ryan ;D
  11. How do i do that? lol never done it before
  12. So i was running to stary sabor, and after i got there, i went to a new server to meat up with a couple of friends...... When i joined that new server, i was in Kamenka on the spawn point, with all my gear still, and this happens every time i change servers now. Is anyone else having the same problem, and does anyone else know how to fix it? Thanks for checking this out! - Ryan ;D
  13. Mbr697

    Keep spawning on shore

    Okay, let me know if that works!