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Posts posted by vdub31905

  1. So I got away from trinity games because they are a crap provider and went with dayzpriv.....I like there lay out but I am having an issue with getting on the server. I get stuck at server authentication and I am not the only person who cant get past it. Any ideas or fixes?

  2. Video editing, game designing, server build pc...etc tons of things u can do with 32gigs.

    Do me a big favor, take a screen shot of your Dayz Commander settings tab(fullscreened) and then take a screen shot of your in-game settings.

    There's something about arma 2 that makes it so unique. People say it's "poorly optimized" and "bad engine", but that isn't true at all. Everything you see and do in Dayz requires a PBO file. A pbo file is a file that contains an image that must be indexed by the HDD. Dayz unlike Arma 2 requires alot more PBO files, in some servers up to 500. How fast can a HDD move 500 files in 2 mins compared to a SSD that's 520R/500W? have you ever notice the Fps in the start is actually faster, then u feel as if it starts to drop? thats because ur CPU is starting to bottleneck the HDD for the indexed information. Even though your CPU shouldn't bottle neck on the HDD, the HDD just isn't giving the processor the indexed data fast enough for the processor to do it's job so it could then hand it off to the GPU, then, gets tossed to the RAM Gremlins. thats basically how arma 2 works, SSD+3.9GHZ 4core cpu+GTX-660ti+24GigsRAM=happy mother fing camper (not bragging here but this is to everyone who says arma is poorly optimized, in Cherno on chernarus, with 39 people playing, 7 of which are in Cherno i get 76fps average.) u really want your true fps stand 100m away from a rock or tree and zoom in on it, thats your true fps

    and another thing Fps issues are gonna be a thing of the past when stand alone releases. it's designed for lower end pcs but higher end pcs benefit the most in terms of fps and quality. so just wait for DayZ Standalone

    Yea man I had a hunch the HDD had alot to do with it ....or it would def help to have an SSD but anywho I will get those screen shots for you when I get off work.

  3. It may be the server if it's a custom server it may have alot of extra buildings,vehicles,weapons that may lag your pc

    Well lol funny thing about that is its my server =P and there are 2 addons right now....debug and self blood bag. Even before the addons it was the same thing.

  4. That is really odd, I have seen much lower end computers run Arma/DayZ smooth as day. I don't know much about hardware but, I am curious how much did that rig cost?

    around $1300 but it is also water cooled....going to OC the CPU.

    What kind of quad core, and are you sure your second GPU is enabled?

    AMD FX 4170, and no it has nothing to do with it being bulldozer. Yes I am 100% sure both GPUS are going. It is super frustrating when I have eerything dropped to low and turned off and I still get as much lag as I do in major cities.

  5. So I thought my rig would run dayz really good even in major cities but for some reason I still lag pretty bad. Here is my current setup:

    - x2 7850 HD 1.5 gigs each.

    -Quad core 4.2ghz.

    -16 gigs of RAM.

    -WD 400 gig HD

    -Crosshair V Formula Z MOBO

    I have latest vid drivers and latest BIOS for my mobo...any pointers would be great.
