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Everything posted by vdub31905

  1. New server up and running.....I am keeping it pretty close to vanilla there are a tad bit more vehicles selfblood bag full moon nights and add crashsites but other than that its pretty much the same. I am taking requests as long as they are with in reason.
  2. So I got away from trinity games because they are a crap provider and went with dayzpriv.....I like there lay out but I am having an issue with getting on the server. I get stuck at server authentication and I am not the only person who cant get past it. Any ideas or fixes?
  3. vdub31905

    New server troubles

    I have not done this and I am sorry for being ignorant but how would I go about doing this?
  4. vdub31905

    Trinity Games

    Anyone else have a sever through trinity games?
  5. So I thought my rig would run dayz really good even in major cities but for some reason I still lag pretty bad. Here is my current setup: - x2 7850 HD 1.5 gigs each. -Quad core 4.2ghz. -16 gigs of RAM. -WD 400 gig HD -Crosshair V Formula Z MOBO I have latest vid drivers and latest BIOS for my mobo...any pointers would be great.
  6. vdub31905

    My rig and major cities

    I will try everything you listed...thanks for the help!
  7. vdub31905

    My rig and major cities

    Here is a link to the screen shots you guys requested http://imgur.com/bUN0GTe - dayz commander Ok for some reason I cant get a screen shot of dayz settings but every thing is on low, vid mem is default, shadows are off, Anis filt is off, Post proc is off, PPAA and ATOC are off, and my res is set at 1920x1080. Hope that is enough info for you guys.
  8. vdub31905

    My rig and major cities

    Yea man I had a hunch the HDD had alot to do with it ....or it would def help to have an SSD but anywho I will get those screen shots for you when I get off work.
  9. vdub31905

    My rig and major cities

    Well lol funny thing about that is its my server =P and there are 2 addons right now....debug and self blood bag. Even before the addons it was the same thing.
  10. vdub31905

    My rig and major cities

    around $1300 but it is also water cooled....going to OC the CPU. AMD FX 4170, and no it has nothing to do with it being bulldozer. Yes I am 100% sure both GPUS are going. It is super frustrating when I have eerything dropped to low and turned off and I still get as much lag as I do in major cities.
  11. I was wondering how to get blown up vehicles to respawn at server restarts....I have full admin access to all my files just need someone to walk me through the details.
  12. So I try and join on my server and when I open dayz all it does is ask me to select difficulty the map and the amount of people....wtf is all this?