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About BxRKings

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Well i feel like an idiot, sorry.
  2. Me and a few of my friends were playing on the Canadian servers since i'm Canadian for good ping, Then of course a hacker/Scripter appeared and gave us all these over powered weapons. So we left that server and went to a different Canadian server and sure enough a few minutes later he followed us and started freezing are players so we had to close are game and re-open it again. Then after playing some Dayz today and logging out, i come back to a glitch when playing the game. So i just stopped and took a break and when trying to start it up again i receive a Global Ban. Could you guy's look into this because i'm really annoyed with what had happened.
  3. Please don't assume my problem is the same as everyone else's and ridicule me on not searching through the threads, when i have clearly done so and found so helpful answer.
  4. I am not trying to join servers. I have not tried to update to the new Beta update. I only have Six launcher so if i wanted to update i couldn't. I have as it say's version and yet i receive that message when joining a
  5. So even though they say they mean Clarify please.
  6. I have never ever had a Problem with Dayz ever. But today i start up six Launcher still seeing like always and say ok i will only join those servers. But whenever i try to join those servers i get this message after waiting 10 minutes or so on the loading screen. I thought this was pretty strange and any help would be appreciated. If you think i'm missing something ask me.