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Ghastous (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Ghastous (DayZ)

  1. Ghastous (DayZ)

    [LFM] CTH wants you!

    as Bobby said above we are still fully open and we are also accepting other clans
  2. Ghastous (DayZ)

    We need you

    Hi all our clan CTH the clan against the clan STH is wanting new recruitments. We have TS and our own private server so please look us up if u wanna get out there for some fun. Details below note the game is running new lingor map TS3 server is ts.survivingthehorror.net game server is STH VS CTH dayz lingor #1
  3. maybe make the STH more bloody and the guys a bit more rough like a real zombie appocalypse as happend :D thats my 10p
  4. this game is totaly broken now and its really pissed me off. Logged on server with 0 ppl on instantly died and spawned with 0 items DayZ go f**k yourself
  5. @ Stay Frosty. I was in the same boat when i started but all i did was go on TS get to know the clan which im now a part of and grp up it comes much more fun to play and u dont die as much
  6. dontated :D but who the hell killed me u barrrrssttarrdddd but enjoy the ace loot
  7. When I get home from work tonight smKes I'll send a donation in as well to help the server
  8. THC i think ur missunderstanding the post made by Remco about the donations. The donations are there purely to help with his servers as there is some good plans that are in action which i wont go into detail as its Remco's idea and i dont wanna steal all the joy but trust me when i say this they will be no more problems with spawns, tents, etc etc. I for one will be hitting the donation button as i love the sound and idea of the plan thats coming real soon :D Remco as deffently got my beans.
  9. also im not keen on nameplates as its ezier for players to spot u and more unrealistic (like it aint realistic enough lol) so my opinion is to see them off again for more fun and harder spotting
  10. have u changed the time zone on this server as ive just logged in and its 17:30 instead of 20:30 as it says on Dayz commander
  11. Im just scouting around the powerstation near electro but who the hell just shot me as im friendly
  12. Server is totaly friendly ive not yet been killed by a player only the walkers
  13. Saw u playing today abruzzi and dieing like me lol. Try get on teamspeak so many friendly ppl there
  14. server is fun to play on i just wish i could find myself a weapon hehe
  15. yes hackers got a hold of the server and teleported every 1 and killed um
  16. ignore the last post i made i got it working b4 work. Some reason i was using the program that the website says to use six something but it wasnt updating the game so switched to the commander and everything is fine inc teamspeak :D
  17. trying to find ur server but having no luck also cant get TS to work either EDIT: found the server so friendly coming in (also noob :D ) EDIT 2 : says ur server is outdated dunno if thats good or not lol EDIT 3: i cant seem to join ur server im stuck on the loading screen now for at least 20 mins lol
  18. Ghastous (DayZ)

    I'm new to dayz, and have some questions.

    i also have a question which is how come i spawn and instanly from outa nowhere ive got like 2-3 zombies running at me from miles out its fricken doing my head in now and making the mod no fun at all to play. Must have died like 10 times now by the same accurance EDIT: nice vid btw but tried the crouch aswell and nope still same joined server which was night time (looked awsome) only been on 1 min and bam 5 zombies already spotted so ive given up now its just not working at all.