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About crazy_ivan123

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. crazy_ivan123

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Anyone noticing blood transfusion causing bleeding that doesn't go away, even with bandages?
  2. crazy_ivan123

    Ideas for a story element.

    This is a 'mission mod' I could roll with
  3. crazy_ivan123

    Zombie Guts / Distraction

    Well considering zeds are attracted to sound a light/movement flares should make em go batty on both accounts, and they do to an extent, more for smoke then flares though, which should be reversed. but ya know
  4. Okay So here's what I've been theorizing on, Change to loot spawn times to a long say 1 maybe 2 hours for loot and zeds(also raise numbers again), perhaps longer for loot than zeds. When zeds spawn they mostly spawn as a mass from a major population centre. Why? Because I feel that as things sit now alot of people become loot farmers, or certain loot spawns have become death zones...for instance Cherno is such a hell hole because people know there's loot there and bandits know that people are going for it. so they're willing to farm them. thus it becomes a vicious cycle. So what my thought is make it so that you have incentive to go deeper into the interior find those out of the way locations hoping that there is that one can of beans you desperately need to survive. By making zeds clear for a while you have the ability to do what you need to do with little distraction, but it uses alot of now precious ammo, and makes it easier for that bandito whos been tracking you to get to you and take the ammo HE desperately needs. Also from a realism standpoint if I loot house A and go 500 metres away, i shouldn't come back to a fully restocked pantry. TLDR Less common loot+more slower spawning zombies makes for a bit more dynamic gameplay.
  5. crazy_ivan123

    Blood Transfusion on yourself.

    Im pretty sure if your desperate enought you can jury rig somthing to elevate the pack
  6. crazy_ivan123

    Bears! And Wolves!

    You....I like how you think
  7. crazy_ivan123

    DayZ needs objective other than survival

    I like where your going with this, Here's what I imagine playing out. Day 1: Celtic and friends meet in Lopatino, while scavenging they come across a military transport truck that's beat up but repairable, so they beg and/or trade with other friendlies and get enough to get the truck working. (I'm assuming we'll get a truck sooner or later) Day 2: After hiding their new toy, the group starts using it to ferry large amounts of materials to camp and begin building up. And so, can you imagine where it would lead? the amazingness of it, bandit bases, survivor bases, declared neutral zones?
  8. crazy_ivan123

    Build Hotfix

    So I'm trying to figure this out because I don't know if its the beta patch for Arma itself or if its DayZ changes, but Zeds aggro way too easy now. I was 3 floors up in a pitch black building and a zed aggroed on me from out doors? If it is a change please make it go back. It's ridiculous and nigh impossible to go anywhere