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Everything posted by DamianOgre

  1. I have been loving this game, except for the hackers. I have however, been getting very good at gearing up and finding my way outa town. My most recent time in game I was roaming around Chernogorsk, my favorite stomping grounds. The server had over 30 people on it and I knew that this sort of population brings out the hackers. Usually I just get sniped, even when I'm in the middle of the woods. Lately I get teleported to the middle of no where, with the rest of the server, and everyone starts shooting. I get a "Ready Check" come up on my screen, thats the only way I can think to describe it. I click on my name and suddenly I'm teleported several klicks away. It takes me a few moments to realize that I no longer have control of my character. The hacker starts running me around. Shooting off all of my ammo and pissing me off. The only thing I can think of to do is log off quickly. I come back the next morning. For some reason all my morphine is gone and he has replaced them with blood bags. I am also wearing rags around my head now. I forget what that means. Is this happening to anyone else? I thought I was getting used to the moron hackers, but if they can take conrol of me... its a new low.
  2. DamianOgre

    Hacker took control of me!?!?

    If someone says this can't happen, to bad it did. I had the same thoughts though. My character has benefited from killing many hackers, nightvision googles and guns I'd never find on my own. But the hacker that took control of me did nothing but damage. I hope the stand alone game can stop this sort of thing.
  3. DamianOgre

    Hacker took control of me!?!?

    I wonder how much longer he had control of me after I logged. Arg. Well, lesson learned.
  4. DamianOgre

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello All, I'm Ogre in game. Mostly I'm friendly. I usually just try to find gear and matchs and get the hell outa town. If I'm bored I am usually working on restoring a bus. Hackers must die!